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Well-known member
Feb 9, 2011
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I think Phil has mastitis. She is really skinny, like bony, and she has a red, warm lump between two of her teats. It feels squishy and like it is coming to a "head". I don't think our vet is in tomorrow and I don't have $$ to take her to the emergency vet. Can I lance it and wash it out with dilute Vanodine? What about Tylan50? That is supposed to be good for mastitis...can I give her that?

I am not a professional, lancing it would be a last ditch, "this animal is gonna die if I don't try something" kind of deal for me--I know you have a medical background and are possibly more comfortable, but what about antibiotics, or warm compresses? And is she eating? Some animals have trouble supporting their litter and themselves, we used to give plain full-fat yogurt to lactating dogs to give them a boost...Does she seem dehydrated? Is she drinking? Saline fluids can be given sub-Q, I remember that from a cat with a massive hernia, they put a large amount under the scruff to give him some comfort until they could do surgery...
just like with a rabbit, warm compresses- antibiotics, and strip the affected areas of milk. And if she is losing condition supporting that litter, supplement the litter and HER. I am assuming, of course, that this lump is in the nipple line, and not between the two nipple lines. If massaging-- only go in the direction to the nipple closer to the rear end-- tha way the milk flows---
No experience with this, but just wanted to send good wishes to Phil for a quick recovery. Please do check which antibiotics are safe for cats if you are going that route... I know that they have sensitivities to medications that dogs, for instance, do not.