Manna Pro

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Well-known member
Jul 19, 2013
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Western Michigan
Today I went shopping. :D I got a 25 lbs bag of Manna Pro Select Series All Rabbits. I was going to get food and water bowls too but we may or may not get the rabbits tomorrow so they can wait to see whether we get them tomorrow.

Anyway, is Manna Pro a good food for rabbits? As a responsible pet owner I want to know the benefits and doubts of my pet's food. So what are the ingredients?

Also, how much do you feed a rabbit a day? when it's winter, what do you do to keep a rabbit warm? And how can you make a homemade rabbit pen?
Manna Pro is what I've fed mine since I've had them. You may find some who don't like it, but I've no complaints and neither do the rabbits as they eat it.

As for ingredients, they're listed on the side of the bag.

Feed approximately 1oz per pound of body weight is a good rule of thumb. If the rabbit hasn't finished the prior ration when you go to feed next, then adjust accordingly. The exception would be pregnant and/or nursing does or juniors being grown out. Those could be free fed until weaned. Just watch your rabbits and check to see if they're maintaining their condition with the regimen you're using. If not adjustments will need to be made.

In winter, nature has given rabbits a fur coat! They handle cold extremely well, way better than heat. Just protect them from drafts and they can handle the rest on their own.

There are plenty of cage designs / plans that can be researched on the web, depending upon what you're wanting.

Hope this helps.
I also feed Manna Pro. Rabbits are doing fine with it. They also have hay and get a daily serving of fresh greens.

Are you planning on a colony setup? If not, I would strongly advise you to have a separate cage for each rabbit. If you are going to make cages or hutches, there are lots of pictures here in the gallery for you to look at.

Good luck as you start your rabbit journey!
Mines were struggling to keep weight with Manna Pro :( I had rabbits in very poor condition, slow growth,....

The pellets were also probably like an inch long, sometimes my babies wasted so much food!

I also found a lot of corn,dust, and the food just looked eh.

My rabbits weren't wanting to really eat it and it happen to a few other people here in Ga.

I switched to PenPals and just WOW! Like night and day. I even got DQed on two different juniors at my last show for already being senior weight. That has never happened! My rabbits are growing nicely, holding beautiful coats, and love their food. I get compliments on condition and flesh all the time.

The Penpals here is obviously SO much better. I took pics of the two side by side and you could tell....Just got deleted on my old simcard. boooo.

But feed will always be different across the country. Depend how,when, and where it was milled
Lastfling: One ounce of feed per one pound of rabbit.

That's quite a bit!!
My production meat does get 4 ounces per day.
They'll weigh 9 to 11 pounds a piece.
If I fed them anymore than that,
they'd get too fat to breed.

I've never used Manna Pro so I can't offer an opinion.

Thank you, everyone, for all your helpful information. I'm not going to be doing a colony setup, it's waaaaaayyyy more than I can handle right now and my parents would be madder than hornets. I was just going to get two bonded/littermate rabbits and put them in the big hutch I'm building(I needed the pen for exercise but the ones at my local store DEFINITELY aren't tall enough).

Anyway, I'll see if the Manna Pro works. :)
Peach":2f6pioh7 said:
Mines were struggling to keep weight with Manna Pro :( I had rabbits in very poor condition, slow growth,....

But feed will always be different across the country. Depend how,when, and where it was milled

Strange, different rabbits do so differently on the same feed. Mine have stayed in condition real well. Stranger still is the bag says mine is milled in Georgia or at least the paper strip on the bottom does.<br /><br />__________ Fri Aug 02, 2013 12:04 pm __________<br /><br />
grumpy":2f6pioh7 said:
Lastfling: One ounce of feed per one pound of rabbit.

That's quite a bit!!
My production meat does get 4 ounces per day.
They'll weigh 9 to 11 pounds a piece.
If I fed them anymore than that,
they'd get too fat to breed.

I've never used Manna Pro so I can't offer an opinion.


I may have overstated! That's where the adjust accordingly comes in :) I started with 4 oz and adjusted downward until I was not finding any or very little in their feeder on the next feeding. Remarked my measure and kept a going. :D Now that you mention it, I do have a plump one, but she was that way before I got her and her kits have tended larger also.
I haven't had much success with MannaPro or Penpals. Underweight buns, continuous molt, lackluster. Making weight since I made the switch. I think it does depend on your buns, the mill, and how long the store keeps the feed.
I don't buy anything short of 50# feed, and I feed manapro, why because it's a good food that's $10-$15 cheaper than the other stuff
Hi NZ!

:welcome: to the forum!

NZCaliforniaRabbit17":1m4nm7nv said:
I was just going to get two bonded/littermate rabbits and put them in the big hutch I'm building

When rabbits reach sexual maturity, they will often fight with one another, and sometimes one may even be killed. This can happen without ay warning- one day they will be fine, and the next... :x

Be prepared that you may need to separate them at some point.
You know I had something interesting happen!

I had someone that bought a show rabbit come and stay with me for the week while she was out of town...well she was eating Manna Pro. Her owner had a bowl for the cage and I had of course my jfeeder like all my other cages. I was making my rounds and accidentally put Penpals in the jfeeder...

Guess who didn't want to eat her Manna Pro anymore? lol

She gobbled up the Penpals and even waited every day at the jfeeder at feeding time, just ignoring the Manna Pro. As soon as I gave her some Penpals, she'd eat away.

Today she was being picked up and FFA owner let me know she hadn't really been wanting to eat her food lately and has been molting constantly. Looks like they will be making the switch!
Yes I am prepared to separate them quickly. I am well aware of that and have been checking them for wounds/fleas/ticks/ear mites, checking their teeth and nails. Their eyes are clear, ears clear, no ticks, I haven't checked SUPER good for fleas but otherwise okay, skin is clear, nails are good for now, and teeth are a little long but that will soon be fixed. XD I'm keeping their teefurs busy! Question... we have little scraps of plywood left from the work-in-progress hutch. Can they chew that? They are square shaped and not that thick.

I have been watching them on Manna Pro, they are eating it pretty good, but there are some long pieces so I'll probably have to break that up for them. I don't know, the people didn't say what they fed them, they only mentioned Romaine lettuce. There was no food or water in the cage when we got there. The people were arguing about who the father was. :? But they pretty much knew what they were doing...