Male, Female, or Split Penis? *pic heavy*

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Well-known member
Sep 9, 2012
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Northern Colorado, USA
I am having trouble determining the sex of one of my 12 week old Hollands, and I am hoping that one of you may be able to shed a little light on this area. :mrgreen:

From when he was a newborn on up, I had thought he looked like a male but then a couple weeks after my last look-see things started looking a little different. I am pretty certain that I have found testicle "pockets" on either side of his "parts", but the penis still looks a little off to me. Especially compared to his obviously male brother from the same litter.

Testicle "Pocket"? (Sure looks like one to me...)

Penis (I had to either push hard or at funny angles to get it to "pop" out. His brother's was much more cooperative; one of the reasons I began to wonder. The shape, as you can see from the first picture, is slightly hooked on top.)

This image is a little blurry but it shows a slightly more "circular shape".

I have had two people show interest in him, but the one wants a male and the other a female. Additionally, the person who wants a male is possibly looking for breeding purposes. If he is a male and has penis "issues" should I sell him for breeding purposes?

Sorry for all the questions, but this is the first time that I have had any issues determining gender and I want to make sure that I get it right before I sell him.
It is a male. The opening looks a little elongated, but that could just be his sheath or "foreskin". I think his penis isn't actually protruding fully from the sheath.
I have two males that sound was perfectly formed already while the other was like yours...i figure it is just them being late bloomers...might just be developing a lil slower then his brother...I know the brother was definitely interested in girl bunnies earlier but the slower brother caught up in time
I agree, the penis is not actually exposed. The pics show the 'sheath.'
So far, a healthy male.
Male, if you had not told me the age, I could have told you from the look of that penis that he was less than 4 mos old. Sometimes it takes a while for the slit to close, so I don't label anything under six mos as a split penis, after that age, look at the "seam"on the penis, if you can split it open then it's a split penis.
Okay, thank you all for all of the information! I'm glad to know that he is just fine and dandy, and I'll keep that in mind for future bucks.

I am so glad that I have a forum like this to ask these questions; they are little strange for most people! :lol:
skysthelimit":2k0zgqjx said:
Male, if you had not told me the age, I could have told you from the look of that penis that he was less than 4 mos old. Sometimes it takes a while for the slit to close, so I don't label anything under six mos as a split penis, after that age, look at the "seam"on the penis, if you can split it open then it's a split penis.

What if they are older than 6mos and it looks like this? I have one that looks similar, 11mos old. When you pull back, it looks like the penis turns itself inside out?<br /><br />__________ Tue Oct 01, 2013 9:18 pm __________<br /><br />Has ANYONE seen this in older bucks?

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