Magpie/Broken Blue or Magpie pairing

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Jul 16, 2022
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Church Hill, TN
I recently purchased a doe from a breeder getting out of mini Rex. She is bred to a Magpie mini Rex buck. Breeder seemed to think the doe was a broken Magpie. She was called Broken Blue on another forum. My question is....if she is NOT Magpie, what will her kits be? I do not own the buck (even tho I tried to buy him as well) She had her kits today, but I have not gotten good pics yet. They look blue, but 2 seem to have a triangle of pink skin on the back of the neck, 2 look self blue. I don't have a pedigree on her, so I am not sure what she might be carrying. But none of the kits are look broken to me. So I assume he doesn't carry broken. I do know she had a sibling that was booted black. So that modifier is floating in there as well possibly.

Do I need magpie on both sides to make more magpie? Or will they just all be carrying it?
Could the 2 kits be otter or silver marten? Does that mean both parents carry that or just one maybe??
Would there be any other color they could be? They all 4 look blue to me.
If she is JUST BLUE....her eyes should be dark?

If she IS broken magpie.....I would assume they will all be magpie of some sort?? Maybe booted magpie??
IF she IS broken Magpie....her eyes should be what color?

I am relearning genetics here, so sorry if these are bad questions. Thanks for any wisdom shared. I will try to get some pics of the kits and of her.
The first 3 are mom
4th is dad
Then kits


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The doe looks like maybe a sunburned blue (broken obviously). The tipping on the close-ups is suspicious but there really doesn't appear to be any ring color. It would be helpful to see her face, but from what I can see of her ears (no lacing) she is a self. I also don't see any evidence of magpie; those spots look like classic broken, while harlequin markings are usually closer to a brindle-type pattern. So my call on her would be broken blue <aa B_ C_ dd E_ Enen>
Harlequins come in two colors: japanese (black and orange or their variations) and magpie (black and white or their variations) which is a harlequin with the orange suppressed (courtesy of a chinchilla gene), making the coat white where the orange would be. So the buck is not magpie since he does not have white but rather orange or some variation of that hue. It's hard to be certain from the photo but if he's harlequin, he's the variety known as japanese. He's got definite orange on his nape, and looks to be a something other than black, maybe chocolate or blue. My best guess is blue harlequin <A_ B_ C_ dd ej_ enen> or chocolate harlequin <A_ bb C_ D_ ej_ enen>
To get magpie, you need harlequin <ej> and chinchilla <cchd>. Both are recessive so at least one of the parents would need to at least carry ej and the other would have to carry either ej or e, and at least one parent would need cchd, with the other parent carrying cchd or a more recessive cchl, ch or c, to get magpie kits.
The babies look like 2 selfs and at least one agouti marked one. The one in the last photo seems to have white not only on its feet but on its jawline as well. I can't see the neck triangle but that would indicate agouti as well. Give it a few more days and the markings will be more obvious. An agouti would be very possible because harelquins are often agouti-based, and the sire's agoui <A> would dominate the dam's self <aa>. Since you got self kits too, it would suggest the sire is <Aa>. You may get harlequin kits in the future, unless your doe is EE, in which case you might get kits that carry harlequin ej but don't express it.
It is a little surprising you didn't get any brokens, but genetic prediction is an exercise in statistics. :) The cool thing is that you may very well get tricolors from this pairing on the future, tricolor being broken harlequin.