Lost all the babies

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Active member
Jan 25, 2013
Reaction score
Nassaua County
...Very sad day here. This afternoon the sun was shining and wind finally stopped blowing (after two cold windy ugly days) We thought this would be a good chance to check in on the two litters of kits that had been born the day before the sudden winter weather hit. We had worried since both momma's were first timers, they both had their kits on the wire and one didn't even bother to build a nest. We had moved the babies carefully into the next boxes with hay and nesting cotton. and had covered the hutches to block wind....and thought the best thing would be not to disturb the nests while it was as cold as it was...giving the momma's a couple days to tend to their babies. We did check several times a day to be certain none of the kits accidentally were pulled from the nest boxes when momma's jumped out and all seemed to be good. But today we looked inside the nest boxes only to find dead, cold kits :( :( . We are very sad and not in any hurry to breed them again at least not until any threat of frost has passed and the weather is more stable here. And then we will be checking on the kits constantly.
Bring the nests into the house for the first few days next time, only bring them out for 2x a day feeding.
Sorry for your popple loss!
Aww that is so heart breaking. :( I am sure when you are ready to breed again things will go better.
That happened to us last blizzard. We lost about 30 kits in total. This time the does made much better nests and despite even lower temps we have survivors.

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