When I worked at a well known "Animal sanctuary", EC was very common and lots of rabbits were on their "EC protocol" at any given time. -- generally with EC it is either the front end or the back end affected, but almost never both ends [unless nearing the fatal point]. Loss of use of either front or back legs was very common, as well as head tilt, and circling. If not caught early rabbits will not recover from the nerve damage, and it will become permanent . EC is very contagious when rabbits have access to dirt or urine from infected rabbits.[and sometimes through the placenta, and into the eye of the kit] EC manifests symptoms "generally" after the immune system becomes depressed [in my experience, shortly after cheap moldy hay, or 2+ year old feed was fed to them]. Some infected rabbits will live a normal life and never show symptoms. The vets at the "sanctuary" had fair/ to good success with panacur, and ponazuril combination. I have treated symptoms with garlic chives, with no symptoms being manifest again [so far almost 2 years].