Little Chin mix color

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2011
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Hello, posted before for color ideas, Am Chin mom crossed with Cali buck. Well the little kits are larger now and the 'light chin' color kit is so pretty! One of the dark chin died of heat, the other is still around, but not as nice looking. That gray kit also lost to the heat.

Best part, the light bun is a doe! So I plan on keeping her.

Pics from the nestbox days and then of them and mom yesterday.





That one is a lot different from the 'gold tipped steel' that I had twice before. There's no brown on it, born lots darker and is lightening up. This one looks like mom.

Here is a pic of the golds I had before. Born a medium light and had that browning on them. Had other pics, but can't find them.

Here is mom, no brown/gold, like the current dark baby.
the steel does look different in different breeds. What is called castor in Rexes, which is the black/chestnut agouti, is way different than what is called chestnut agouti in a Nethie, Holland, flemish or several other breeds. Considering the mix, and the picts, they all look like agouti chins, except the dark one, which looks like a steel A- B- C- D- EsE,

(Es_) - Often Called the Steel gene is most Dominate. It makes the color at the tip of the hair shaft look like (ee) and the rest look (E_). This gene is expressed best when matched with itself (EsEs) or with Full Extinction (EsE). Also it expressed best as an Agouti rather than to a self or an otter. The agouti's rings get pushed to the tips, making very flashy Gold ticking on the ends of each hair on an otherwise black rabbit. Change out the (C) gene for the chin (cdcd) and you get silver tipped Steel. Steel is often known for just showing up from no where. It can hide in plain site, called the Hidden Steel. Often when matched with the non-extension gene (Ese) you will get very light ticking, making the rabbit look black and sometimes only show light ticking on the adult animal.

That brown/gold sounds like a sable chin.
I'll try to get pics of the hair, it's raining on and off and need the battery to charge. So a little tricky..
ChickiesnBunnies":2e5w0qwr said:
I'll try to get pics of the hair, it's raining on and off and need the battery to charge. So a little tricky..

Colors are always so hard to capture on my camera, it seems to blur when i try to get close. I need a camera meant for capturing pictures of wildlife...
skysthelimit":2bcthctf said:
Colors are always so hard to capture on my camera, it seems to blur when i try to get close.

Does your camera have a macro setting? Mine has a flower icon for extreme close ups.
Yup, I like to spend $$ on fancy cameras. =D
Don't have an actual macro lens as that is around $800 and just not going to happen!
Currently have a Nikon D5100 with a long range and a regular lens. Regular on macro is how I got pics like these below, but fish never stop




MamaSheepdog":235ks6zn said:
skysthelimit":235ks6zn said:
Colors are always so hard to capture on my camera, it seems to blur when i try to get close.

Does your camera have a macro setting? Mine has a flower icon for extreme close ups.

Is that what that flower means? Yes it does, but the flash whites out the picture. Without the flash it says low light and comes out too dark to see. Mine sis a cheezy samsung S850, basically just to take pictures of the dogs to post to the internet, I don't use it for much else.
Yes, the little flower is for close ups. There is a limit on how close you can be for the macro setting, the manual tells you what it is. If you have an lcd screen, just keep moving the cam back and forth between focusing.<br /><br />__________ Fri Jul 20, 2012 2:50 pm __________<br /><br />



With the combination of chin and cal, it could easily be a silver tipped steel. Chin is dominant to the himi genes.
OneAcreFarm":vagzojoj said:
Just bought the hubs a Canon T3i with 18-55 lens and 25-300 lens...
bought the 'hubs'? Wonder who is thinking about using it?
OneAcreFarm":25kkixii said:
Just bought the hubs a Canon T3i with 18-55 lens and 25-300 lens...

So jealous over here, I've got a Canon T1i with a 70-300 lens and a 25-100 panorama/landscape lens. Love my Canon, just need a 800 lens for wildlife.
And back to colors...folks...

I can sell my 'old' cam if anyone is interested. It's a Nikon CoolPix P90.
Pretty coloring on all of them. Mom is really striking. Can't wait to see what you get with the little light chin.
