Lionhead babies

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Well-known member
Jan 2, 2010
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I bred this doe i think she is a sport marked blue eye lionhead to my mini rex buck out of the 7 babies 3 have manes 1 has a really good mane and there 3 weeks old. So i read some were if you bred a lionhead to a non maned breed all the babys will be maned so is she mixed with a dutch or some other breed or will they develop there manes latter? You could see her listed as Panda in my website i know not the best pic im bad at taking pics.
Maybe if i have time i can try to get some better pics tommmorrow


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you can best lionheads if double or single maned at 3 days old. double maned will have bare flanks. Other than that I know nothing. :)

rabbits have wool, I don't do them. :)
Is the doe double-mane? If so, and you bred her to a non-mane buck, the kits should all be single-maned.

Mane genetics, as I understand it :? , doublemane is MM, singlemane is Mm, and no mane is mm. So, MM x mm will produce Mm, ie singlemanes. Where it gets interesting is when you breed single to single - Mm x Mm. I have a singlemane buck who throws a lot of doublemanes, whether I breed him to a double or a single mane doe. I think I've had one singlemane out of all his litters, and that was from a doublemane doe.

Now, the amount of mane will vary from individual to individual - some doublemanes look like tribbles. Some singlemanes have a fair amount of floof. Like Ladysown said, the best way to tell if you have doublemanes is to look at them when they're a few days old. The bare flanks are very, very obvious.

OK, that's probably waaay more than you wanted to know! :lol:
I really need to do more reading on breeding lionheads lol. I did not look at there flanks but her sister boots is do i will check her babys flanks. Im not sure i think there both single mane as they dont have a ton of fluffy mane boots has the most mane has a really thick patch between her ears and has the poofy checks. Were panda only has a thin ring of hair around her head. Ive tried to get pics but they turn there head right when i snap the camera
Panda looks like a single mane lionhead. Therefore she may not have passed the mane gene to all her offspring. Panda is a "vienna marked" rabbit and is most likely not half dutch. The vienna gene can appear as a little snip on the nose all they way up to a dutch -pattern markings. They are the offspring of a bew x normal breeding or vienna marked X vienna marked (VM). As far as I know the dutch gene and the vienna gene are two different things. I have been looking into that but it is hard to get info. I have suspicions that they may be the same thing only I have no proof lol :cool: :cool:
Wow thanks for all the info. Devon's Mom when i went to get them i thought they were dutches then i seen there mane so on the net i went and finally found info on the vienna marked rabbits so ive been hoping there purebreds. Yes its had to get info on it ive been trying. I had a couple wanting a bunny with a mane so know i can tell them just the 3 baby buns will be there best choice.