Letting kits play

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Active member
May 7, 2014
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When are the kits old enough to put in a pen on the grass for some playtime and socialization? I want very friendly bunnies.
i am interested in this too, when can i pick them up, and when can they have exercise pen time.
I try and feed a mostly gorage and "weed" diet in the summer so my rabbits get daily greens as soon as its long enough to pick and I start putting my house bunnies out on the lawn, including kits.

The earliest age that I put the babies out is 2 weeks old and when the temperature is above 20'C (75'F, I think) I bring out the nest box and a handfull of grass hay as well.

I never put babies out before noon as early morning grass has a higher simple sugar content then later in the day and I closely monitor their poops to be sure all is running smoothly.

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