Because I just processed my first rabbit. Took me, like, an hour to do it, because the knives I had weren't very good, and it was my first time, and it was a sr animal(omg was he ever FAT!!)... All sorts of learning experiences, though, and it is DONE. I imagine getting the first one done is the hardest... I'd be doing something, trying to remember Grumpy's video, and all of the sudden start panicking because what if he wasn't dead, or I wasn't doing it right and OMG I just ripped out an animal's insides... But I was bound and determined that I would succeed, that the first rabbit meat my family ate would be processed by ME and not someone else. I still have another 2 bucks to do, but I need a little break, and to rethink my strategy.
Now, the more important thing... deciding how to cook it!
Now, the more important thing... deciding how to cook it!