Leonis Rex Gen II: SUCCESS!!!

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Well-known member
Nov 3, 2011
Reaction score
SCORE!!! :hooray:

I have my very first Rex furred, maned Leonis Rex kit! :p

He is from a brother to sister breeding of Leon, a chestnut, and Queen, a black.

Here is a baby picture of the litter with their fostered Rex friend:


This is my handsome boy now:


With his siblings, brother next to him and sisters on the outside:


I can't wait for him to lose his baby fluff to see what quality coat he has. I am going to breed Leon and Queen again in the hope of getting a maned Rex doe out of the next litter to breed him to. Hopefully I will get DMs in Gen III!
Thank you Maggie! He is a cutie, isn't he?

I am having such fun with this little project! :D
(triangulating...) Hmm...approx. 50 mile radius of--was it Fresno?--OK. State Route 99 most likely.... It just rained today, so the Valley air should be nice and clear.

Oh, yeah, these little cuties aren't 8 weeks old yet! rats...

Just soooo cute! all of them! every last one of them! :D
Congrats on the achievement! How exciting! He's cute too! :)
Congratulations !!!!! Your project inspired me to breed my Holland Lion Lops. I didn't get what I needed from last breeding. The doe is due in 2 weeks and I'm hoping for a litter of 6-7 which will increase my likelihood of getting the rabbit I want.
Thanks everybody! I am very excited to have gotten a maned Rex so soon into this project! How lucky is that?!?

Now for Gen III!!! :p

PSFAngoras":3388awda said:
He looks like he's got one of those grumpy old English man mustaches, where's his monacle? :D

Lol! He does! His beard looks like a Donegal or Lincoln, called a "chin curtain" in modern parlance.

I am naming the Leonis in alphabetical order, and he is up for "M". I started with Kingston, then Leon, and now "Monacle"? Monarch? Marquis? :thinking:

DogCatMom":3388awda said:
(triangulating...) Hmm...approx. 50 mile radius of--was it Fresno?

50 miles NE of Bakersfield. :)

DogCatMom":3388awda said:
Oh, yeah, these little cuties aren't 8 weeks old yet! rats...

:nono: No excuses, now. They were 8 weeks on September 5th. :twisted:

ckcs":3388awda said:
Your project inspired me to breed my Holland Lion Lops.

That's great! :D

ckcs":3388awda said:
I didn't get what I needed from last breeding. The doe is due in 2 weeks and I'm hoping for a litter of 6-7 which will increase my likelihood of getting the rabbit I want.

I hope you get as lucky as I did! I hope to get a DM in this next litter, or at the least in Gen III. :)

Are you breeding brother to sister? It increases your odds of success.
:eek: That is the cutest kit I think I have ever seen. -squees- Okay. -nods slowly- I need to get an angora ASAP after I sell off a few MR kits. XD I need to start working on rexed angoras now. Because curls. Yus. (You temptress!)

But congratulations! So happy your project has done so well. :3 I'm so excited about this. I love rexed rabbits so dang much, so seeing a new form of rexed rabbit makes me exceedingly happy. :D

How thick is the fur on the little man, by the way? I have a Lion Lop rescue who has the thickest fur. Great for Southern mosquito-birds. They can't even get through to her ears, I don't think. My rexes on the other hand suffer a little from the mozzies. I try hanging stuff to ward off the buzzing nasties, but there's just too many. @.@ I know for any meat projects I'm going to need some thick furred buns, but I'd love it if I could have rexed pelts for use in, uh, making a coat. Because I need a rexed fur coat.
:nono: OMG, MSD! You HAD to show pictures, didn't you??


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