learning to adjust breed back scheduales?

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Well-known member
Nov 5, 2011
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with new does how do you learn how soon to breed back? i finally have a cali doe that kindled. she is still in great condition, only difference in now and before her litter is she went from kinda round laying down in trade for milk belly. i've never had a doe with so much milk before! lol course i never had a real meat doe before either that would breed.
anywho... do you all breed back quick and then if she loses condition the next round breed back later OR wait a while to breed back and if she doesnt lose condition then breed back closer next round?
she kindled on 4/7 and i was thinkin to breed her back on 4/19. that would give her almost 2wks. also she kindled 9, 8 live and 1 dead but it looked perfectly fine just a bit mushed on the back end like it was born first and got in the way while she birthed the others.
thoughts? thanks :)
I breed back 4 weeks after the first litter, that is if she has come back to her adverage wieght and dosen't show any signs of blue breast. A lot of times she will tell you when she is ready to breed again buy rubbing her chin on her toys or her feeder, but again make sure her breasts are healthy and show no signs of swelling, blue breast can be a death sentence for the up and coming litter. :evilcloud:
i'll be checkin her. it hadnt really occured to me to feel her belly until today because the kits are all so big and healthy and fat :D but when i did this evening i about laughed out loud at how much milk she's got! i swear if she had bigger nipples i'd about be able to milk her! :lol:
I would say breed her back after 2 weeks and see how she really does, this is just my opinion and what I do to test my doe, there are times during the year where I actually do breed that aggressively. Her condition after a back to back litter will tell you how "good" she is. Remember to wean the kits by 5 weeks of age so she has time to rest for at least a week.
thanks that is what i was thinking. next round i'll do quick breed back to see how she does. and mine all have always seemed to wean by 4wks without my help so by 5wks should be fine.
it is a good thing to know, I can honestly tell you about every single doe I have and it helps with production and profits, I know which does I need to breed at which times and how many litters I can have before she needs a break. My flemish can only do 3 back to back and then she is done for about a month( in her defense she averages 12-16 kits) but my cali can keep going with out any issue she has done 6 in a row at 9 kits each on a 14-21 day breed back schedule without a hiccup and only 2 kits lost in the process, if I could have 100 does like her I could make a pretty penny and not be stressed about mom not doing her job.
okiedokie well i figured out exactly what is going on with my plans next month so i can breed tomorrow. she is still in perfect condition and her babies are all fat 'n sleek 'n sassy. so she will be bred to my dutch buck tomorrow. that will make it 9 days since she kindled that she will be bred back. giving her a due date of 5/15 and not quite a week off from kits.
I do the same as SyP and breed back at 4 weeks and will continue to breed bac at 4/5 weeks since when I decide to give them a break I can't get them rebred!!! :evilcloud:

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