Last Ditch Effort

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Staff member
Dec 26, 2009
Reaction score
near London, Ontario
Normally.. two strikes and you are out.

I have a young holland lop doe who is well enough to breed who simply won't lift for a buck. I've tried all my tricks and NOTHING.

So someone gave me a buck....holland lop, not the greatest buck, but he's small and sits up. :)

Ergo I thunk to meself.... this buck looks and acts healthy, comes from a breeder that has healthy buns, SO..... why not plunk miss stubborn and him outside in a cage and see what happens? In about three weeks I'll pull her, give her a nestbox and play the wait and see game.

here they meet

Here he's trying to convince her he's hot stuff

Here she's doing her standard... I'll lift for my owner but the buck NADA!

I know the risks of leaving a buck and doe together. He may end up neutered.
But his end result will be the freezer anyways so I figured she's a very soft doe.. soft in how you handle her, soft in how she responds, I very much don't think she'll change her outlook on life with a determined, but gentle young buck. And so far, after a full 24 hours, she's maintained her... hohum affair with life.

If no success in a month... she's dog food.
If success, I hope that will jumpstart her and if not... Then she'll join him in the freezer and feed some golden retrievers.
I hope he convinces her.

Can you find a home for them as pets ?
If she doesn't have a litter.
They're pretty cute.
Aww poor guy. He's so insistent. Why oh why must your doe be frigid, ladysown?

TwoAcreDream":2i1hfea1 said:
I hope he convinces her.

Can you find a home for them as pets ?
If she doesn't have a litter.
They're pretty cute.
Much easier to find homes as pet food, methinks.
I'm a soft touch for lops. They're my fav rabbit breed.
Only way I would put down a lop would be because they were mean.

Can you get ahold of the doe's front and pull her forward just
enough, so the buck can get into place.
i love my loppies to. I'm just getting REALLY frustrated with this doe.
I have tried EVERYTHING.

apple cider vinegar
reduced diet for a month
green feed
car rides
moving to bucks cage
bringing buck to her
putting next to maturing buck
outside on grass
holding her up for the buck (actually got contact once and I hoped for the best to no avail).

she'll go all floppy on me if I try to force her... it's amazing how extremely floppy she'll get. Makes me so aware of how hard it is for the police to move someone who is passively resisting arrest (going all floppy).

Been trying since August (after an early try in June but she was JUST ready) and she won't do a thing. Lifts for me just fine running my hand down her back.<br /><br />__________ Fri Nov 29, 2013 8:11 pm __________<br /><br />I will try to pet her out.... but that'll be a January sale... it'll be a tough call there.
So if the buck is trying and you put your hand on her back...
will that work ?

I know when they back their tail up tight to the walls, the bucks
can't get into position correctly. One of the mixed does I bred
recently, I had her in with 4 different bucks before she finally
lifted for the mini rex. Maybe she liked him the best...I dunno...
well this morning I discovered a doe who is no longer lazy.

She's always been extremely quiet, I think little guy has her all stirred.

I'll leave them together another couple of days and then hope for the best. Don't want to over stress her, but it's good to see her not being lazy....
Hope it works! I did this with my impossible Holland Lop doe, palpitated her and am fairly certain she is preggo. Fingers crossed, we will see!

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