If it were me, I'd surround the top of your panels with an electric fence wire. A raccoon will certainly climb the fence panels but a good, hot, electric wire at the top, supported by those longer insulators so the wire is held slightly outside the top edge of the fencing, should provide a satisfying surprise for any attempted trespasser.
Raccoons are amazingly strong... I have two "heavy-duty raccoon live-traps" (that's how they were advertised) with holes ripped right through the heavy-gauge wire floors. Caught the raccoon but didn't get to the trap soon enough and it just tore a hole right through the wire and escaped! Not sure anything short of chain-link wire would be sufficient to stop them.
And another thought... I recently build a 12' x 24' outdoor shadehouse for my rabbits. Started with 90% shadecloth on the walls, thinking that would help protect them from direct sunlight but still "breathe". I was wrong. It was like an oven. No air circulation. Had to remove the 90% shadecloth and install 60%. Now they're protected from sunlight but still have good ventilation.
If you're considering covering your panels with solid tarps, you might run into a similar lack of airflow needed to prevent overheating in the summer. Just a thought...
Good luck!