I've never had a "groomer" before!

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May 11, 2015
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Not that I have had much experience, but my prior two bucks (one I still have and use) were "git 'r done" kind of guys. They just went for it. I have two young Chins and put them together for the first time today (half siblings) - it was neat to watch them groom each other (or maybe just him to her? It's hard to tell since they look so similar to me!). He did this for quite a few minutes before finally going for it. He's definitely ready... her? Not so much... both born in June a week apart so she might still have some time. Her parts weren't totally pale though so I figured it was worth a shot.
My new Buck does that too! It's cute. The only problem is that he leaves wet spots all over so I can't be sure he did his thing, lol....we will m ke soon tho! I have seen babies kicking and have Haystaching going on, and he fell off multiple times. Just so fun watching him seduce his ladies with his grooming, lol:)

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