Is this correct?

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Well-known member
May 3, 2012
Reaction score
Ok. So if I have a dilute agouti and a heterozygous-broken black(dilute carrier) and I breed them
I should end up with half dilute half uh not... And half solid and half broken... And the will either be all agouti or half and half as I am not sure if the doe is homo or hetero zygous

Is this thinking correct?
I think it would be:
75% dilute (Dd+dd)
Either 50/50 agouti/self or 100% agouti depending on whether the agouti is AA or Aa
Either 50/50 broken/solid or 100% solid depending on whether the solid is EnEn or Enen

That's my understanding anyway. It seems like you'll learn a little more about your agouti rabbit when a litter is born.
Yes I am hoping this litter helps me understand her background for future litters. Last time she was bred she only had one, and it was agouti
in my personal experience breeding black to chestnut gets you 90% chestnut. :) and if they are solid, they are a TOUGH sell to the pet crowd.