Is she pregnant?

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Well-known member
Jan 5, 2013
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My doe had kits 2 weeks ago, I put her in with my male rabbit to breed her again, and they ummm went right at it... i left her in there for about an hour, they both were going crazy over eachother. i took her out of his cage and put her back with her babys, then two days later i put her back in with the male rabbit to make sure they bred together. this time the male wasent as intrested in the female as before, yeah he would try to go after her a bit, also the doe acted diffrent too, she was crying hoping away from the male. and she had her ears flat and such. so after a few min i took her out and put her back into her cage again. but the frist time she went in the males cage she was all happy to be there and didnt mind my buck doing his bueniness with her. is it because she is pregnant now? is this a good sign she is pregnant? :bunnyhop:
She's either pregnant (probably) or thinks she is. I usually put my rabbits in for a second breeding 6-8 hours later rather than wait a few days, as the doe won't usually reject the buck after only a couple hours.

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