Is Feeding Bananas Okay?

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Rabbit Talk Supporter
Feb 20, 2013
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I have some bananas sitting on the dining room table that are going south. :) Can I feed them to the rabbits? I also give them collard greens that I'm growing in my backyard as a treat every now and then. Is that okay?
bananas are ok but high in only give them tiny bits...and expect them to act really hyper...I have one rabbit that does laps in his cage for what seems like an hour if I give him even a tiny bit...but I have to give one of my bucks banana almost every day due to his previous owner feeding him very wrong (he was eating dog food o_O) he ended up with low blood sugar and it keeps him leveled out. since I have to give him some I give tiny bits to the others...and eat the rest myself. They all love it and I have never had any react badly to them, but I am always careful never to give any of my rabbits to much of it.
The collard greens are great! :)

Sinnfox pretty much sums it up for bananas. I haven't notice our buns going hyper after bananas, but they are very high in sugar. As an occasional "need to do something with these bananas before they turn into a science experiment", they're fine.

You could probably freeze or partially freeze them, and that would probably go over well on a hot day. Frozen corn cobs sure do.

When we eat bananas, we split up the peels among the buns. They love those, too. And... not so high in sugar. :)
I give mine about 1/4 inch slices with the peels still on. They eat all the peel off (funny to watch) and then eat the banana.

It is a treat they get once in a while.

Oh, and try this instead: slice the bananas (3-4 is good) and freeze them. Get out your blender, add the frozen banana slices, a splash of milk and a teaspoon of vanilla. Blend well. Result: banana ice cream- yum!
I feed my buns frozen banana cubes in the summer, skin on. I toss them in the freezer whole, and then slice them up. I also feed them the peels of the bananas I eat. A little more work because I wash them thoroughly, but it is said to help prevent wool block.

My buns get a fair amount of sugar from their wool block prevention regiment(regimen?), though, and I never see them act hyper. I also give them frozen pineapple in the summer, and a papaya enzyme tablet every day in the winter.