Interesting behavior during breeding

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Well-known member
Dec 18, 2012
Reaction score
Gloucester, Virginia
We have a Holland Lop buck that we have used in our LionLop project so he is proven. In addition he is the most sexually excited rabbit I've ever had. If you reach in to pet him he will grab your wrist and try to mount your hand. He will get it on with everything in sight. We also have a Mini Lop doe (unproven). Both lops are in cages next to each other. Well today we decided to put them together. I put the doe in the bucks cage and watched to see if he would be successful. Although he tried hard, she wouldn't lift. She is also about 1 lb heavier than he is. I'm used to rabbit mounting behind and on the head so that was nothing new. On several occasions she mounted him which again is nothing new. What was shocking and new to me was that she mounted him, grunted loudly as if she completed and fell off. My first thought was sheila was a man. A quick inspection showed that she was indeed a she and everything looked ready to go. We moved them to an empty cage to see if that would help. Same back and forth mounting / domination continued. Then she did it again, mount, grunt and fell off. Much like bucks she lost interest or ability to mount him after each time. Their love session ended with 0 successful mounts for the buck and 2 successful mounts for the doe. Is this common behavior? Is she completing on him?

Update : I put them back together just a minute ago and helped her lift a little and we have success. 2nd time I didn't have to lift her and he was again successful.
that was a doe extremely eager to breed.
the only thing missing was her rolling around on the cage floor.

rabbits.... thems silly creatures they is.
I have a doe or two that do that...friends that have gotten to see it lose it laughing since one doe is real aggressive about it and will keep doing it over and over again it egg the lazier bucks on. odds are your doe only didn't lift since the buck wasn't "aggressive" enough for her tastes...but the female mounting the buck seems to always be a sign she is in the mood...she just wanted him to prove himself. >.> also I do think the does are "completing" on the bucks :p
Our first breeding didn't go smoothly...doe A just ran from the buck. Doe B didn't lift but didn't run either. The next day we tried doe A again. She didn't lift but didn't run. The buck did mount and fall off each doe twice. Despite the fact that there was no lifting, each doe kindled 34 days after the mating. Unfortunately, B died during kindling :( A had 3, one of which didn't make it but the other 2, also does, I think, are doing great. It'll be interesting to see how the next breeding goes.

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