Inexperienced buck + one testicle?

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Well-known member
Dec 14, 2012
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Ok, question time.

Do rabbits need two balls? :lol: Rams only dropped one this far. I don't know if it's because he's young and not fully matured or if the other one got delayed by his war-wound. I don't think the tesicle itsels was hurt, it was only a skin injury, didn't even bleed and not perfectly aligned with where his testicle should be, but close. But perhaps it wont pop out just yet as it's fairly fresh. Or perhaps they just don't always get both at the same time, I have no idea.
But IF it would not pop out, does that mean he'll never be a father, or can he do with just one?

He's.. 21 weeks old now. A giant breed so they mature a bit slower, or so I've heard.

I'd love a litter between him and Kummin before winter, that's why I may rush things a bit. But Kummin was in the mood and I let her in (definetly not trying with Kyndel again..) she behaved like the perfect rabbit lady, knowing what to do. And he seemed to be in on it, grunted/hmmpft and hopped about nd mountded. She lifted sky high and he tried to pump a few times and... stopped.. No endurance there. I let them fool around a bit, it repeated.. he had more energy when he got her the wrong way (face first.. I poked him in the side at those points, I didn't want Kummin to loose her temper with her teeth that close to his private parts) and he would try again. Get on right, se lifts and he seems to just be confused or something.. But he seemed to know just what to do untill that point. It's like the last page in his "mating for dummies" was ripped out :lol:

Took her out without a successful breeding. But is this normal? Am I just trying too soon ad he'll figure out the whole process in a while? Or is the non-dropped testicle our enemy?
Hello Zab,
I would not worry about it too much.
Give it a bit more time and it may
come down into proper position.
I have seen Judge's, while judging Bucks
lift a young buck up off the table and drop it down
in an effort to get the ball to drop.
I don't believe you will have a problem.
Ottersatin. :eek:ldtimer:
I have a Jersey Wooly buck who is also 'testicularly' challenged. He successfully bred a doe and I've palpitated and it certainly took, so I wouldn't worry if I were you. I've heard that checkered giants are rather docile rabbits, so I would assume that his failure to connect was only due to either his age ( my favorite angora buck didn't get it figured out until about 8 months old) or he could be one of those buck that takes a bit to get the energy up to breed. My friends SF pair is so lazy she has a hard time breeding them.
I also have a "one nut wonder" in my barn. Surprisingly, he's made it through a few shows unchallenged, but has been DQ'd for his predicament in a few others. A real nicely typed rabbit otherwise and one I plan on keeping around. Any one have any ideas as to whether this is a hereditary condition, or just a case if being there, but refusing to show?
It's actually not uncommon, it's called cryptorchidism. :) One testicle doesn't descend. The testicle in the abdomen will become infertile in short order...the body heat is too much for the cells and spermatogenesis will fail. However he can and will still be fertile with the other testicle!! :) I would not worry. :)

Some people say you MUST have surgery to "correct" it but unless it's causing the animal pain (which 99.9% of the time, it WON'T) it doesn't need to be corrected. :)

One of my favorite racehorses of all time, Funny Cide, had cryptorchidism. It WAS causing him pain, and since he was perceived as such a low-quality racehorse who would never amount to much, they opted to simply geld him (which was cheaper than manually descending his testicles). Later, after he was sold.......

...he went on to win two of the three Triple Crown races. I'll never forget cheering him on when he WON the Kentucky derby!!!

Bet whoever decided to save a few bucks and geld instead of surgically repair him felt like a moron THAT Funny Cide babies, lol.
Supposedly it is hereditary, but the main thing is it is a show defect, not sure how that came about, perhaps it's just that animal that is shown is supposed to be perfect, and having a matching pair is perfect. Something about low hormone production and low libido too, and higher likelihood of cancer in the retained one (if it's not indeed absent altogether). In my dog mentality (mon/crypt-orchids are neutered pets) I would not use it, but your not showing, so if he works, then work him :)
Is there anything I can do to help him? :lol: I feel sorry for the doe.. she does everything right and looks so frustrated when he fails.. she started to act annoyed so I took her out. I'll try again next ime she's ''in heat'' and hope he'll found the last page of that breeding manual by then ;)

Or should I leave her in there untill he figures it out? He gets on top and she lifts and then he's... grooming her ears. And gets off again and puffs her with his nose under her chin.
Take him for a car ride. ;) I'm not joking, it works!!! Put him in a box, drive all over, bring him home, then put a doe in his cage with him and he should be a little more "keen." :)
...what? How would that work? I guess I can try, but... really? How long?
It sounds like he's just to young to be that interested yet. One of my angoras was like that, he was best buddies with the does until he was 8 months old. Then it was 'game on'!
My lazy old buck, Boss, will only breed after a trip. Either to a show, or just driven around town. I've been told the stress of being on the move in an unfamiliar box gets them riled up and they are more keen to breed. I'd say, just make a list of errands and go do them, drive him around for maybe an hour, then give him a few minutes in his cage when you get home...then, BAM, doe. :) I swear I thought the person who told me was insane...until I tried it and it worked. :mrgreen:
I'll try the car ride..

It may be that he's just too young. I just find it odd that he's so eager to get going all the way untill he has mounted her and then he just draws a blank.. *lol* But maybe that's normal.
Kori wasn't at all interested first, but when he did get interested he went frm start to finish immediatly.

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