I want a pika

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Well-known member
Jul 17, 2010
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I think we should save the endangered pikas by domesticating them so they will at least be preserved as pets. Like the rapidly going extinct chinchilla. I would go through the USDA hoops for a pika license. :lol:

I don't think china will care if I go get some pikas out of the mountains. It says there is no group currently keeping track of and trying to save them. Now how do I smuggle them in the country? :whistle:
These are Ili pikas from china. They are fuzzier with a less rodent looking face.

My friend Lianna and I were literally JUSTI talking about that yesterday.

"Rachel, I want to get one of these."

"That's........ Kinda cute..... I guess"

"They're in China and I guess they're kind of rare"

"You should breed them!"

I've never seen those kind, but the ones here are actually kind of social since they live above tree line and don't know to be afraid of people.

Not only are they everywhere when you drive up Pike's Peak, but my family went up above tree line further south on a 4-wheel/hiking adventure, and while hubby and my mom's exBF were hiking around the other side of the lake for a better fishing spot, one was playing hide and seek with my mom and I in the rocks by where we were fishing. He kept getting within about a foot or two, then popping back into the rocks to peek out at another point about not far away. I'll have to see if I can't find those pics after work tonight.

Pretty darn cute!