I think I may have overcompensated

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Well-known member
Apr 14, 2015
Reaction score
South River, Ontario
... four litters and 4 living kits in July was a big disappointment.
So, I bred pretty much everyone for this month :x :lol: :lol:

Now I am starting to panic that i may have overcompensated!
My daughter says the potential number of kits could be as high as 67.
(she is very particular that 67 is the cap).
67?!? :shock:

(4 large does and 1 medium for campers, my SR doe and the HLop doe... 67 may be stretching it, but we may be swimming in bunnies before long!)

My aim is to fill our freezer, have some to sell and to have a nice selection of does ready for breeding in the new year for breeding stock (my experience this spring was a demand for meat stock, juniors and breeding age, and no where near enough bunnies in the region for those looking to do their own meat) and to sell as breeders. Plus the freezer.

Every one will find their place(mat) (as MSD said~ I think it was MSD ;) ) but it could get pretty crazy around here for a bit!
I've processed well over 100 head in the last two weeks. I'm not quite
halfway done...yet. I've got 4 does due in the next 72 hours.
Then it starts all over again with an average of 4-6 does kindling
each week.

My goal is a continual sale of 25 processed head per week
going to area restaurants around the Midwest.
Plus, breeding stock for outside sales. AND....I've got to
work my "snake-guy" into the equation as well.

OH... and I'm going to replace the lower 25% of the production
does that aren't pulling their weight like they should. They're
decent does, but I know I've got better ones coming up.
You make me feel better! LOL
I think now that I have a much more realistic sense of how easily things might go awry at kindling i realize that I have to step it up to reach our goals for this first year!
I had two does that should have kindled this past week and didn't. I'm chalking it up to heat sterility of the bucks.
So I tried rebreeding them this morning. One doe was receptive, the other usually is very receptive, but wouldn't have any part of being bred this time.
She is only 4 days past due, so there is a slim possibility she still may be pregnant, but i doubt it as she ALWAYS delivers on day 30.

So, instead I rebred the one mini lop, bred a different mini lop, then bred a different californian.
Currently I have 4 litters of mini lops that are 10-13 weeks old, a small litter of mini lops almost a week old. A litter of cals that are 12 weeks old and a litter of cals that are almost 5 weeks old.
This week we sold out of our thriantas, remaining 7 kits and one remaining doe.
Not counting the 31 Angora kits I had born last week, my current count is 99 below the age of 12 weeks.
Heeheehee... sounds like my unintentional breeding fiasco! :lol: A litter got too old, and then we noticed a young doe pulling fur. Oops. Ended up with five unintentional litters!
Sky~ I just choked a little on my water... wowza! that is a lot of fuzz!

MissM~ 5? oi! I panicked when I realized my SR little doe (4 months) was still in with my FG growouts, but they are just over 9 weeks, so we *should* be ok!
TF3":2cisc9nb said:
MissM~ 5? oi! I panicked when I realized my SR little doe (4 months) was still in with my FG growouts, but they are just over 9 weeks, so we *should* be ok!
Yes, there is one member who had a doe who bred at 8 weeks... but that would be rare. I counted back, and figured that the first doe in the litter was bred at 15 weeks, then the other three does in the litter were bred over the next two or three weeks. Also, the mother was bred. So five unintentional litters. I had two cages with two mothers and litters each, because I did not have space for all of this.

As soon as the first doe started pulling fur and we realized the does were probably all pregnant, we removed the little bucks and sent them to the freezer. Then we separated the doe that was already pulling fur, and put two more in another cage, leaving the original mother and another daughter. Every last one of them kindled. We sent the does and their litters to the freezer as the kits got big enough.

That was a little over a year ago, and boy, was it nuts! :runaround:
I just had a Netherland litter breed somewhere around 8-10weeks old. Oopsy. It's kind of good they are small litters. I'm only looking at 4 extra kits. I'm cutting way down. 2 does and a buck for now. When I get easier to care for wire cages setup I have the debate of bringing in ND I want from out of state or trying out tans from a local breeder.
TF3":2ynddfhx said:
Sky~ I just choked a little on my water... wowza! that is a lot of fuzz!

Scary thing is, because I've been "self employed" I cut way back and I haven't been feeding much pellets for about 3 mos. These Angoras have had the largest litters ever. Now getting them enough to produce enough milk for that many kits is more complicated, but the increase in fertility is amazing.

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