I need some help with deworming

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Dec 11, 2013
Reaction score
Western Washington
I am pretty sure that I need to treat one of my does and her kits for worms. I have read that safeguard for goats is what I should use, but is it ok for 6 week old kits? And at what dosage? I have been feeding a lot of pumpkin seeds to try to get her weight up and to naturally deworm her but I'm not sure it is working as she is still really skinny (I posted a couple of days ago about how skinny she is and how to help her regain some weight, but didn't get very many responses). Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
What are you feeding your doe now?
Flaxseeds are really full of vitamins rabbits need, and fattening at the same time, so would be good for adding on weight. Oats and BOSS are good for adding weight too. Would also make sure you have a good brand of pellets and are feeding lots of hay.

Here is a site link that has a page on dosing rabbits with Safeguard goat wormer if that is the kind you are using.

I don't know how early you can treat baby rabbits. Maybe someone else on here will know.
On another forum someone posted that they did give panacur to 6 week old kits and said their vet advised them to do so- but I've also read that you are supposed to wait until 8 weeks. So I'm really not sure.
I am feeding a grain mix (barley, oats, wheat, and BOSS) free feed alfalfa pellets and free feed grass hay. They have mineral blocks and get LOTS of forage. All of the other buns are doing really well on this diet, but I have been worried about this doe (she is older and surprisingly had 11 kits) so I have been giving her about a 1/2 cup each of BOSS and pumpkin seeds daily since she kindled (about 6 weeks ago). I also moved 7 of her kits out last week to give her a bit of a rest.
I have no idea where she would have gotten worms (unless it was the forage?), but last night while checking on everyone before dark I actually SAW what must be a tapeworm coming out of one of the kits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So . . . deworming.
Fenbendazole is a fairly safe drug and the dose for rabbits is 20mg/kg (roughly 10mg/lb) for 3 days in a row and repeat 10 days later.

Make sure you shake the bottle well as it settles to the bottom.
portia":2zy9s058 said:
I am feeding a grain mix (barley, oats, wheat, and BOSS) free feed alfalfa pellets and free feed grass hay. They have mineral blocks and get LOTS of forage. All of the other buns are doing really well on this diet, but I have been worried about this doe (she is older and surprisingly had 11 kits) so I have been giving her about a 1/2 cup each of BOSS and pumpkin seeds daily since she kindled (about 6 weeks ago). I also moved 7 of her kits out last week to give her a bit of a rest.
I have no idea where she would have gotten worms (unless it was the forage?), but last night while checking on everyone before dark I actually SAW what must be a tapeworm coming out of one of the kits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So . . . deworming.

I too would definately worm :shock: Nothing worse than parasites yuck!

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