I did a bad thing...

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Mar 5, 2011
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...And got these guys...



__________ Sat Aug 03, 2013 2:38 pm __________

I sold one baby rabbit and one adult rabbit. Adult was the Fox, sold to the same breeder whom I had bought her parents from. She saw me, saw the fox and when she heard it was her grandbun, she had to have her. =D

Many people took my # for the pigs, no idea who will actually call to pick one up. Ended up dropping the price to $75, still no bites at the swap.

Also ended up buying a pettaxi for $5. The shear machine didn't sell, they go new for 250 now...ughhh, I bought mine new last year for 350...So lowered the price on CL.

Oh! I did sell my ram lamb! I just need to get a bank account before I can cash the check....lol.

Anyway, the crappy castor is a doe and I got it from the same guy I got the LH doe who hung herself.
The other two are from a different breeder, buck and doe. Buck is chocolate, doe is orange?

They'll be living in a colony as well.
Saw a LH, but it ended up being a lionlop, so didn't get a new doe for the LH colony.
Worst yet, I don't know the ages on them...
Buck wants to breed and fully dropped testicles, orange doe is a dark pink, near red. Castor doe still has small lady bits. So I'm guessing 5mo and 4mo, but who knows. I'll ask next time I see the sellers.

Does mini rex have orange? I know I've seen red and light red, which I've been calling orange...
That will be a toughy without knowing the true ages. Hopefully you can get a chance to ask the seller again. They look nice though, good luck with them. :)
Took the real camera out to get a picture of some mysterious tipping of a kit. Got some better pics of the Rexes as well.
The castor has thinner and shorter fur, not as plush as the other two. She's also more calm and doesn't seem to have the doe hormones going on to make her a grumpy girl.
Seen them all take turns eating and drinking, so that's good. =)
Buck looks like one of those toy figures with the fake fur glued on them, don't he? I couldn't stop petting him, lol.



When I first read the title I assumed you got more buns.

If they are that young, the castor might molt out to a better texture coat. Mini Rex does not have Orange, that is more than likely a Red.
You've got three completely oposing colors there, you are gonna have a lot of colors in your litters. Can't wait to see what's in your nestbox.
skysthelimit":3ltp9bqm said:
When I first read the title I assumed you got more buns.

A little too obvious, huh? =)

skysthelimit":3ltp9bqm said:
If they are that young, the castor might molt out to a better texture coat. Mini Rex does not have Orange, that is more than likely a Red.
You've got three completely oposing colors there, you are gonna have a lot of colors in your litters. Can't wait to see what's in your nestbox.

Maybe I'm mixing it up with another breed that has both red and orange. But then, I'm sure I saw one website with one just like it and it was called an orange, they also had a darker one and called it red...Maybe they were trying for that color?
I love rainbow nests!
I picked colors that I liked, lol. The castor guy only had her as a doe, others were bucks, brokens. Didn't want a broken as a breeder. Brokens might be possible though, since her brothers were brokens?
Chocolate was easy to choose, it's one of the standard Rex colors I was hoping to find. I settled for minis for the time being, lol. This is why swaps are dangerous!!
He had two, lets call them pale reds, the one I got looked more active and filled in better.
broken is only possible if one parent is broken. it is a dominant gene, so cannot be "hidden" or carried.
ChickiesnBunnies":2mwb865x said:
Maybe I'm mixing it up with another breed that has both red and orange. But then, I'm sure I saw one website with one just like it and it was called an orange, they also had a darker one and called it red...Maybe they were trying for that color?

You'd be surprised how many breeders don't know their color genetics. I had a ped marked with an Opal coming from two Torts, which is genetically impossible. Or they have other breeds and call a color the same as it would be in another breed, and that color does not exist. It could have been a Fawn. I have the hardest time with Siamese Sable (JW) and Sable (Rex), Same color, except one doesn't exist in the other breed.

Sorry I like talking about colors.<br /><br />__________ Mon Aug 05, 2013 12:01 am __________<br /><br />Oh, I forgot to say, like the Castor, the Red color should deepen with age.
Welcome to the Rex side!

What pretty colors. I can't wait to see what you get! :p
skysthelimit":1dj5wicv said:
Oh, I forgot to say, like the Castor, the Red color should deepen with age.

She has red on the back of her neck, so maybe she will be prettier the older she gets...Fur on her sides is softer than the fur on her back, too.
Usually that is how Rex begin to molt, back then down to sides, which is why castors seem so gray on the sides, then the color spreads to the loins. In this case she seems to have prominent guard hairs, had a buck like that and in his case, he molted out fine, but gave me a lot of grief because he was unshowable his entire show career.
*Looks here, there, and everywhere.*
Bad thing? I don't see anything bad? :)
All I see are some very beautiful rabbits! :p
Congrats on the new additions!
I like petting them, lol.

Orange, red, w/e you want to call her, doe is such a buttface. Fun to watch, she keeps the others away, but then want to be near them and they are wary of why she's getting closer to them.
Gave them a shelf and the castor doe is always up there. Buck is constantly getting hyper when the Cali doe in the next cage flips sides she sleeps on.
So soft...

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