I am going crazy!

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Well-known member
Sep 11, 2010
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Ok, I have the WORST luck with rabbits! Why does there have to be something wrong with nearly EVERY rabbit I get?!
I went to check on the rabbits at 6:30 this morning (because we have a predator-don't know what-taking rabbits at night), and I noticed that my NZR buck is paralyzed in his rear end. His stool is normal, drinking normally, eating only about 1/3 cup of pellets a day but loves his hay. He looks really sore. What do you suppose it is? He is a lazy buck, so I don't think he broke his back binkying. I would hate to lose him. Do I need to deworm him? Put him down? Any suggestions?
why would you automatically think to deworm him? Seems a bit discongruent there.

I'd give him a bit of time to see if he's just strained something from a fear jump or something.
Maybe, if he got it stuck in the door.... Maybe whatever stole a bunny the night before last, scared him and he hurt himself? I will observe for a while. This is a red buck I got from you Mary Ann, and I really like him. Great breeder and pet. Easy keeper. I hope he will make it. I don't know where else to get a NZ Red again.<br /><br />__________ Tue Jul 09, 2013 9:21 am __________<br /><br />
ladysown":2gxaulqc said:
why would you automatically think to deworm him? Seems a bit discongruent there.

Because I read that it could be caused by the roundworm parasite Baylisascaris procyoni, or the microsporidian parasite, Encephalitozoon cuniculion, on this website:
I can get you another Red if you want.. That was a while ago that you got him.. He must be getting up there.

Do to much reading on the internet will make you think this and that.. I really don't think there is anything wrong with him..

Someone stole a rabbit.. What????????

actually,, If you want ... give me a list of what you want in rabbits as I know you wanted some cals and reds and anything else you might be interested in..
I will make a trip sometime next month.. I will be going,, I can pick up for you at the same time.. Pm me.
Not someone, but something...predator. Came out yesterday morning to feed, and one less fryer. only evidence was a small bit of fur and a SPRAY of blood on cage wire door and on waterer, and blood drops under door in poop pan. All other buns were unharmed, I checked them all. No blood on any of them. So maybe whatever did this scared him and he broke his back? (He is in the cage next to them) They are quite close to the ground. So now I fear for all of my buns. I reinforced that cage.