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Thanks, everyone. With rabbits, as with most things, the more I learn the more I realize I don't know so it looks like I'll be asking questions on here for a long time.

So seeing cecotropes can mean the feed is too rich, but not if they're from a pregnant or lactating doe. Are there any other reasons? And then I'm wondering how that works if just at the time the rabbit most needs plenty of nutrients she can't eat the cecotropes which provide lots of nutrients? And I wonder if we didn't see this with our older NZW does last year a) because we weren't paying attention to that, were focused on too many things as beginners b) those does were much more eager eaters and would have found a way to get at those cecotropes somehow c) these does just haven't figured it out because for both of them it is their first time pregnant/kindling.

And while I am pondering the many things I don't know--after losing the first litter of the year at day 5, would it be neurotic or prudent for the next litter to take the nest box out except for feeding?  :?
