How to get your rabbits to breed for the first time?

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Jun 14, 2015
Reaction score
Fairmount, Illinois
Hey everyone, sorry I haven't been on lately. So much going on around here, haha.

My rabbits are to the age of breeding I stuck my doe in the bucks cage, and he sniffed her "parts" then just hopped around. I sat, and watched them for about an hour, and they just laid there. So I took her out.

So my question is, how to encourage your rabbits to do the deed for the first time?
Definitely check their parts for the right coloring. A little apple cider vinegar for about a week helped our as well as bringing them to a central location outside. In a controlled area. Our like to be able to run around and feel frisky. It's the only way our older Buck will do it anymore....
You may want to check that he is a he and she is a she cause they know what to do ....

Second I'd make sure he is mature - parts functional , no split penis & testicles dropped ..... and that she is receptive.
We have 6 rabbits, 3 bucks, 3 does, and they each have their own cage ordered by sex. None of the bucks have split penises, and the testicles have dropped. I think it's the does that are holding things up. I checked last night, and their color isn't there yet. *Should have seen the look on my husbands face when he walked into the garage, and I had them flipped over "checking things out"*
If the male and female gets along I just leave them together for a week or two.
a7736100":3da16kaa said:
If the male and female gets along I just leave them together for a week or two.

I wouldn't , you'd never know when the doe needed her nest box ... and she might start getting territorial and hurt him if she does conceive.

How old are the does ? They just may not be ready yet.

I went thru the same thing my first go round and just put them together every day or every other day until they figured it out. Never had a problem since.

Fresh ginger root is supposedly an aphrodisiac ... could give them a small piece as a treat along with the acv in their water.

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