how to attach

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Staff member
Dec 26, 2009
Reaction score
near London, Ontario
History: currently I'm using shower rings with poker chips as name tags for my cages. easily changed/replaced and moved from cage to cage.

BUT... some of my bunnies are hauling away at them and I'm concerned that over time I might get some with teeth issues from pulling on them. most of the time moving them to a different location on the cage works, but some buns are bound and determined to go after them.

So I want to attach these things to my cages. Then i can go to magnets.


my query is this: how in the world do i attach them?

they are 2 x 3.
my cages are mostly 1 x 1 mesh, but some are 2 x 1 and a couple are 1/2 by one. ALL have 1 x 1 doors. I don't much care where I attach them as long as they are attached and they don't cause a health hazard to the bunnies. (ergo using zipties is NOT an option).

any suggestions?
I would think C rings would work. The J clips are harder to work with but would probably work with that particular tag because the oblong cut outs. That's a great idea to use magnets by the way!
You could even just take some aluminum wire, and make your own ring to attach them. I've done that in a hurry when I needed something quick.
well...don't have a c ring attacher, or c rings... and no money to get them. :)

I do have wire... any thoughts on how to twist wire so there are no sharp bites sticking out? should's fencing wire for putting up electric fence.
That's the same wire I have here ladysown, and I use a my husbands needle nose pliers to curl the ends down, and back up into themselves, to hide those ends. Any pliers will do, but needle nose works best. You can also just pinch those ends real tight too, and it will take away some of the sharp.

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