How many "services"

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Well-known member
Sep 15, 2012
Reaction score
virginia, usa
I just bred our white satin to our belgian, (meat mutts). he fell off three times. Is their any point in going out again later? My thoughts are that the deed should be done.
I let them have 4 services, and call it a day. UNLESS it is a litter I REALLY need, then I will do the 8hrs later thing and let them have 4 more.
The reason many people breed eight hours after the initial "service" is that rabbits are induced ovulators, and release their eggs eight to ten hours after the deed is done. However, it takes the sperm about the same length of time to make their journey, so they are ready and waiting when the eggs drop. :) Sperm live for about 72 hours, so I feel that rebreeding is unnecessary.

I have had large litters after only one cover by the buck, and I never breed hours later. Occasionally I will have a doe that only allows one cover and I will try again an hour or so later, but they often don't want anything to do with the buck.

I like to see the buck cover a doe two to three times, especially if he hasn't been used in a while. The highest concentration of dead or dying sperm will be in the first ejaculate, so I think of it as a cleaning out of the system. ;)
When I bred our other doe last week, she and the buck were both uninterested 8 hours later. He bred her twice though, I will palpate her at 14 days.

Since he cleaned out the pipes last week I think I will let this one go. She is a Belgian and did a lot of racing and foot stomping when I put her in the bucks pen.

Our other doe is supposed to be an American/NZ mix but is the size and shape of a Dutch. We should have an interesting blend of meat mutts sooner or later.

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