How many ounces for NZW's

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Active member
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Windsor, CT
I have 2 bred NZW females and a male. I feed almost all pellets and right now I give them a 5 oz tuna fish can at night and in the morning I give them a shot glass full of oats. I am wondering if someone could provide me with recommended amount of feed for : A non pregnant doe, a pregnant doe, a nursing doe, a buck, and litters in grow out pens no longer with mother. Thanks so much!
As long as we are breeding them we free feed but don't give fattening things like oats unless necessary. Most people free feed at least while they have kits. All the pellets and sometimes hay they want to eat. Many also free feed while pregnant. Since ours are only not pregnant about 2months out of the year and not in a row we never have a reason to control feed except a few specific breed crosses (mini rex) that tend to get fat between when they are done growing and when we start breeding. Then we just skip filling their pellet feeder for a day or 2 and make them eat hay before filling it up again until they empty it.
Why would you feed the buck more? His contribution to bunny production does not make the demands on his body that the does have on theirs. In fact, many people find they have to feed their bucks less and/or give grass hay as part of their ration to keep them trim.

Pregnant does have slightly heavier demands but it is nursing that really takes it out of the does. They need to be free fed, as do growing fryers. I can't comment on the amount of pellets because it is years since I have used them.
I don't think that the buck needs more than the nursing does I was just wondering if 5 oz was enough for him and the pregnant does as the 5 oz tuna fish can is what I am feeding all of them. As mentioned they also get a shot glass full of rolled oats in the morning. I want to be sure the rabbits are neither underfed or overfed as I am new to all of this. Thanks again,
I try to run my hand over every rabbit's back daily when I feed them their morning hay and supplemental grains, etc. You should be able to feel the bumps of their backbone, but it should feel rounded, not spiky and protruding. Their needs vary depending on the weather- in winter they use more calories trying to keep warm, whereas in warm weather their needs decrease. Their needs also change according to life stage and use- growing, production rate, etc. A hands-on inspection will do you more good than arbitrary rationing, and you can adjust feed accordingly.

I free feed hay and supplement in rotation with oats, barley, BOSS, and CalfManna. Pellets are available at all times for producing does and "grow out pens", and they get oats daily when kits leave the nest. They all get small amounts of vegis and weeds which will hopefully make up more of their diet this spring. I feed pellets at night, and adjust the amount up or down depending on if there are any left in the morning. I want to see an empty feeder. Most get 3/4 cup of pellets daily, but I have some (bucks primarily) who will only finish 1/2 cup, and others (mostly does) that will eat a full cup.

I raise Standard Rex, which are smaller than NZ's I believe. I am new to keeping rabbits as production animals, so my regimen is still evolving. I've learned a lot here on RT. It is a fabulous forum with lots of very helpful members, and the more time you spend here the more you'll learn. :D
I think that that is a good suggestion Mama to feel them each day and then go from there. Like anything else there is no "cookie cutter" recipe for this. Thanks again!