How long to dust with DE?

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Well-known member
Feb 26, 2015
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South TX
How long and often do you dust with DE? I have used it once daily for the past 2 days, but it looked like he still has some on him today. Also not sure how long to go with it period. 1 week or 2? We are treating for possible mites. Not sure what he has so I am doing a combo of treatment. Pen G in the eye and internally, DE, anti fungal on his scabby areas, and warm washcloth to keep him clean. Plenty of hay and oats and pellets, and he's improving and eating and drinking well. Not sure if he will fully recover but continuing to try. Thanks!
There are different ways of doing it, but what I do is apply it, and then again 10 days later, and then one more time 10 days later. It catches the hatching eggs from the first round, and then any hatching eggs of survivors. Sometimes one application is enough, though. You need only a Tablespoon or less to do one rabbit. <br /><br /> -- Wed Mar 02, 2016 1:27 am -- <br /><br /> PenG internally? Do you mean orally or subq? I think they're not supposed to have it orally, but I'm not sure I remember correctly.
I have used DE on consecutive days many times if I fear an outbreak of fur mites ... often applying once a day for three days then repeating that same 3 day application a week later.
Pen G by injection and a drop in the eye:). Valley Vet Supply has a vet you can talk to over the phone, and said I can give the injections either two doses after he seems fully recovered or a total of 2 weeks. He is looking better. The scabies and dandruff around his eyes are almost gone, so as long as he's improving I'll keep on, keeping on, but I really don't look for a full recovery. We will see!
I have only had to treat fur mites a couple of times, and one treatment was all that was necessary. New fur growth was seen within a matter of days.

It occurred to me that perhaps the density of the Rex fur holds the DE better than other coats- but then I remembered that the first rabbits I treated were Beveren so that theory is moot. :roll:
By the way, watch his appetite. After a few days of PenG, you may notice his appetite waning. You must keep him eating something and drinking.

Hope he recovers! :clover:
The hair around is eyes is already growing back, after 3 days. His nose also has a bumpy/scabby area, and it's white now but I think that's the DE
having gotten caked on. The pen g is on day 5 today, so that may also be helping. Thank you for the advice on watching his food,
I will be mindful of that!
I have not heard of these two being associated yet,
is there another way to check for that, or other symptoms? Does that fall in line with his weepy eyes? If so, is my pen G treatment still going to help?

-- Thu Mar 03, 2016 12:57 pm --

I looked up vent disease, and I'll check his Gentiles when I get home from work but these are not open sores that he's had around his nose and eyes. It looks like more of a skin condition, with bumpy and dry skin, really rough skin also flaking.....not what I would call a lesion.... <br /><br /> -- Thu Mar 03, 2016 9:39 pm -- <br /><br /> So I checked him tonight and he does have crusty scabs around his anus, but his penis looked ok. Not bleeding at all, doesn't look like it ever has had any bleeding. I dusted with DE so it looks like white caked on bumps......his eyes are continuing to look better so I am hoping the rest of him will perk up. He's not eating a ton but I have seen him nibble on food and he seems to be drinking. He is eager to breed too which is not usually the case with vent disease (or so I read).....this is such a weird thing we are dealing with, wish I knew what it was!

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