How do you weigh your rabbits?

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May 11, 2015
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Both big and small?

I have DH's tournament fishing scales which are really nice, but a bit of a pain to pull out and set up. My kitchen scale is fine for small ones, but maxes out at a pretty low weight (maybe 3 or 5 lbs?). His coworker just gave him a new digital touchscreen handheld one so I can actually save weights from 1-8 on it (plus it gives a total weight) which is kind of neat and will come in handy for kits. It only goes up to 15 lbs, but that shouldn't be a huge issue since I doubt I will be dealing with any rabbits that large.

I have a metal hook I can hang something from - what works best? A bucket, canvas bag, sling?
A lot of people have the hanging scales permanently setup. It never greatly mattered to me the size of the big rabbits so I just used a human scale. You have to put a known weight on it though because they don't work well at low weights. I usually threw a 5lb bag of rice on it if I wasn't just holding the rabbits and subtracting my weight. I had a 5lb kitchen scale and I just got a 10lb one so I don't have to do that now anyway. I was going to weigh standard chinchilla rabbits on it but that fell through and I only have netherlands so I don't weigh much over 3lbs.
I really only weigh kits (once a week until 8 weeks), so I bought a simple digital scale. I think it tops out at 10 pounds. I put a container on the scale, zero it out and plop in a kit.
I use a baby scale for all of mine. The rabbits seem most comfortable with it and since I use a towel over it, it doubles as a good exam table for me and I will leave them there to clip claws, brush, check eyes/ears/whatever I need to do while I'm at it.
I lucked out and found a digital kitchen scale that weighs up to 30(!) pounds so I can finally weigh anything including hubbs house Flemmie. I've been searching for a baby scale with no success for ages
I want to weight my adults at least once, just to get an idea of size. I can look at them and see who is bigger, but I am curious just HOW much bigger they are.

DH told the guy who gave it from that he lost the scale already. The guy was a bit perplexed, but then he said "to my wife. She stole it to use for rabbits" ;)
heritage":3qiyt13m said:
She stole it to use for rabbits" ;)

Really, now..would any of us do such a thing??? :twisted: :lol:

But back to the topic...I use a walmart fishing scale..under $10. bucks and a canvas bag..My FIL gave us an old milk must be 50+ years old but hubby likes it...we check one aginst the other..both are accurate enough anyway and I believe go up to 50 lbs...the fish scale also weighs in metric.. :D
Thanks for this thread!
We have a fish scale in our homeschool kit, for some reason ?! LOL
So I grabbed the scale, a bag and weighed everyone!
Fish/luggage scale zeroed out with a 5 gallon bucket hanging on it. Works well for my Satins. When I'm weighing kits under 8 weeks I use an ice cream pail/bucket instead of the 5 gal bucket. Gets me within a 1/4 lb, close enough for me :roll:

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