How do you tell when your does are mature enough to breed?

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Well-known member
Apr 29, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
How do you know when your does reach maturity and can be bred? I've always just waited a long time- 6 months or so- but I have a doe (Silver Fox) that I want bred as soon as possible. She's a little over 4 months old.
With bucks, it's obvious when their parts drop out. But with does, I have no idea how to tell when they are ready.
Thanks in advance!
You can check the vent on a doe as well as does do cycle. Redish/purplish means ready. Personally, I don't start breeding until at least 6 months, but some people start by 4-5 months even for large breeds and still others will go by weight - I think they go by if a doe is at 80% of adult weight they'll breed her.
I go by vent colour and if the doe is a least 75% senior weight. I've also noticed that my doe lines are starting to have a 'cranky when ready to breed' quirk. My last two young does were grunty before their first breedings.
The large breeds I just started checking and trying with bucks at 5-6 months. The mini Rex and Netherlands I went off if they are acting mentally ready. When the hormones kick in they act different and it's time to start trying them with a buck. It can be hard to tell if a small breed has reached its final weight. Especially with breeds that have dwarf genes. Everything from 1 lb to 3 lb is normal from show bred nd lines and up to 4 lbs can be found in pet lines.

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