How can I improve my herds diet???

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Well-known member
Mar 22, 2012
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British Columbia
I raise rabbits for dog food, so I would prefer quick grow out rates and a little bit of fat on my buns come FC time. I would like my breeder rabbits to be lean but productive!

Right now I am feeding Buckerfield's pellets. They are 12% protien, but the bag doesn't list the ingredients and I cannot find them online :? I paid roughly $28 for 80kg.
I also have a pre-mixed grain mix I bought from the grocery store. It contains whole oats, oat bran, wheat bran and flax seed. It costs $3 for a 1.35kg bag. It says it is 8% protien per 1/3 cup. Once I run out I'll be buying the grains in bulk so it will be much cheaper and hopefully a better quality mix (after I do some research).
I add in supplements like BOSS, sliced almonds and the occasional treat item (dried fruit, pumpkin seeds etc). And I try to add a small amount of fresh produce every day (mainly leafy veg, some reg veg and a small amount of fruit).
They also ALL get a small handful of hay. At the moment I have oat hay ...but usually it would be timothy, orchard grass or alfalfa. Once there is no snow on the ground I have unlimited grass, weeds and fruit tree clippings to add.

Okay so I have one buck, he eats about 1 cup of pellets, 1/4 cup of grain mix and 1 tbsp BOSS per day. Plus small handful of hay and fresh produce.

Then I have two expecting does. They get unlimited pellets and grain (I serve it 50/50 and they must finish most of what is in their bowl before I top it up). They get 2tbsp BOSS daily each plus a handful of hay and fresh produce.

Okay so my question is can you see any ways I can improve?
What is the ideal protien % of pellets? I feed these current pellets as they where what my buns were previously fed.
Should I be feeding more/less of anything?
How should I feed kits in the grow out pen?

My buck feels a little thinner than what I would like, so I have just increased his portions. The does feel good and everyone has lovely soft shiny coats!!
I would switch your pellets. that is to low of protien .. I think your boss is to high amounts to the doe .I dont think buying grains at a grocery store is ideal. Sliced almonds are expensive i dont think they did that. More hay tho... everything else looks good. I would add some oatmeal and flax seed. You should limits there feed. The does should only get a cup a day of pellets. Not unlimited.
I dont know how your buck could be thin on that amount of food. What weight are your rabbits and where are they kept? Unless they are 15 pounders or living outside without shelter, I think you may be over feeding them.

I live in Southern Ontario, my bunnies are outside in a barn that is heated up to 5 degrees celsius to prevent their water from freezing. My pellets are $15 for 50lb and hay is $5 for a 50lb bale.

I have an 8 lb Am Chin buck and an 11 pound NZ buck who get 8 oz of pellets (18% Protein) and free choice horse hay (grass, tim mix) and the NZ is a bit over weight.

My expecting does are given 8 oz of pellets and about 2 oz oats, BOSS and fed again in the evening if needed. They also have free choice hay. I was giving them free choice pellets but some would scatter it out of the trough so now I feed twice a day as needed.

I handle my rabbits several times a week to judge their condition. Does that seem too lean get more grains, and ones getting too fat get less. So far my buns have been needing to loose weight rather than have their rations increased. The exception was a doe who was feeding 10 kits in her first litter, they really drained her and it took a month to get her back into shape.

Without knowing more about how your rabbits live I would say give them more hay since it is cheaper than pelleted food and cut back on the pellets and seeds. I would also get a feed with more protein in it, protein in a diet helps animals keep warm better than fat or carbs.
Thank you for the quick replies!! Sorry it has taken me so long to respond, I've been busy with the holidays! I really appriciate everybodies input, thank you!! :D

I should of mentioned that my buck is a 9 month old Flemish Giant mix. Both my does are 9 month New Zealand mixes and everybunny lives inside! I'm not sure on weights as I haven't gotten a scale yet. Do you still think I am over feeding them?

I thought my pellets were too low in protien... I am noticing that everybody here feeds roughly 16%-18%. I only bought them as the breeder I got my buck from actually advised getting the lowest % possible. I should of figured though as she gave me two bucks as a breeding pair lol. :lol: The rabbits were free though, so I can't complain too much! I will buy some more suitable pellets for them asap, thank you.

I will start giving them free choice hay. I wasn't sure if oat hay was really suitable so thats why I was feeding such small amounts. I'm almost all out so I'll grab some Timothy for them next :)

Why are grains from grocery store not ideal? Just curious? I did double check that there were no other ingredients (sugar, corn etc) and they are whole grains. Aside from being way over priced is there a concern feeding these to my buns? Just wondering as I will throw out what I have left if so!

I am already feeding flaxseed in my grain mix, I actually read your thread advising that Mary Ann!

Neither does have gotten fat being free fed, and they seem to self regulate pretty well. They were a little lean when I got them, and now seem to be at the perfect weight - so I will start giving them measured amounts and keep a close eye on their body condition.

My buck still seems a little thin for my liking (not overly, but not where I would like him either). Hmmm I will keep a very close eye on him. He does have an abscess or some kind of lump/tumor on his back leg. So he is possibly in line for FC anyway after I have gotten a good replacement buck out of him.

Both my does are expected to deliever any day now! I'm so excited first popples! :lovers: :mbounce:

Thanks again for your replies, and for everybodies help here on RT! You have all made my rabbit project a really enjoyable experience!!!
rawfeeder":137dpk5m said:
Why are grains from grocery store not ideal? Just curious?
what i ment by that is it sits longer on the shelve , Dont throw it out, just when you are done with the bag , go to a feed store and buy it there ,,if you have one. And it will be cheaper too.

congrats on a litter comeing. It is always exciting .YOu have share pics when they are born.

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