Homemade CO2 dispatch tank

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Staff member
Dec 26, 2009
Reaction score
near London, Ontario

An interesting prospect landed at my feet this morning.

A fellow wants rabbits for selling in stores as reptile food. They need to be frozen whole.

They mustn't have blood on them, asked if I could do a CO2 dispatch.

So how do I build one? what do I need? Are they expensive?

If I don't do a CO2 tank is it possible to broomstick rabbits and have no blood on them? I can hold them until they stop moving and what not..but not sure if that will be the most effective way to do things...

advice appreciated.
I've broomstick'd without blood, but it still leaves a fat squishy neck that might leak a bit from the mouth once it's thawed out out. :? I'd probably hold by the ears so the blood settled closer to the shoulders than the cheeks.

If you have Facebook, the folks over on the group "Feeder breeders ONLY" are all about ethical treatment and euthanasia, and can probably give you all the info you need and better for co2 setups and how to regulate it and use it properly. I CD my feeder rodents, so the dribble of blood doesn't bother me. ;)
Please don't use CO2 asphyxiation as a method of dispatching anything. It's an excruciatingly painful death, and there is abundant evidence of that in humans. What you can do is use Nitrogen (N2) asphyxiation, which is painless. The difference is that the lungs recognize and resist CO2 as a poison, whereas with pure Nitrogen (which makes up most of the air we breathe) there is no reaction. With Nitrogen asphyxiation the symptoms proceed through drowsiness, mild euphoria, unconsciousness and death.

In addition to being used to euthanize animals, Nitrogen asphyxiation is also the current preferred method for human euthanasia and assisted suicide, and is being studied in some places for use in execution as a more humane method (though sadly it has been rejected in some places for being a bit too humane).

The cost difference between a tank of N2 and a tank of CO2 should be fairly negligible, and may even be preferable.
I did not know this. Learn something new every day.

Just needing to figure out how to do this stuff.... or even if I need to.
MidnightCoder":xvv7gmxc said:
Please don't use CO2 asphyxiation as a method of dispatching anything. It's an excruciatingly painful death, and there is abundant evidence of that in humans.

I think it really depends on how it is done, the increase of concentration is a importend point.

There are accidents in wine cellars or food silos every year, people go in, notice nothing, get unconscious and die because of CO2.