hmmmm...this is odd...

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Well-known member
Sep 11, 2010
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Today my sister and I put a lionhead doe in the buck's cage. She's never been bred before, and I am unsure of her age (I think young). He tried breeding, but she wouldn't lift. Then she started lifting her head and falling over. I immediately assumed seisure, or heart attack and put her back in her cage. She just fell over and was making nasty grunting noises, having a hard time breathing, and stretched out and died. It was 22-25 degrees outside today. I bred another doe just before this, and there was no problem there. I cannot see how this would be temperature related. I have no idea what happened. My sister got this doe a week or 2 ago. She seemed healthy and fit.
Any ideas?
Sorry for your loss- that must have been very traumatic. :(

It sounds like she got overstressed- maybe she was just a very nervous doe.

I would have kept her quarantined for the full 30 days before trying to breed her. It may be that she wasn't completely comfortable yet, and it just pushed her over the edge.

Either way, I wouldn't want a doe in my herd that was that sensitive- it seems a bit extreme!
Well I would have kept her quarantined also, but it was my sister's decision. I didn't want lionhead babies at all, and I told her to wait, but she won't listen.
Yes it was hard. hearing her make those noises. I was going to kill her quickly, but it's my sister's and I thought that if it's just a seisure, she may come out of it as people do. So I told my sister to walk away, as I did, and come back in a few minutes. I didn't want her to watch any longer and then blame herself. Luckily the doe died rather quickly. It was dissapointing for sure.
You're right ladysown, probably just odd timing. Maybe a VERY nervous doe. Maybe that's why she was free.
Something like that happened to my friend's guinea pig. Wasn't getting bred,but actually had a heart attack or something while getting its nails trimmed like it normally does. It just started doing the same thing you described,put it in the crate assuming it was in shock and needed a moment, and finally took its last breath when he pulled over to check on his pet.
i'm sorry for your loss, I had a doe this spring i had her for a mounth and she needed tattoed, so i decided it was time, got her out and tattooed her, just as i finshed she started breathing heavy, i put her back in her cage with a treat, she seemed to be dong well so i went to the store and when i got back she was dead... I had tattoed close to 20 rabbits that day and all were fine but her

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