Here's a show preparation question..

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Well-known member
Oct 25, 2011
Reaction score
North Carolina
Do you load your rabbits in their carriers the night before, or do you wait until morning. I load in the morning, but things get hectic, and the rabbit barn is up the hill a ways. Add the dark, etc. I was just wondering how others do it.
I've only gone to one show, but I loaded in the morning. I think there is less stress that way, and I know there is less mess in the carriers. If your rabbits are used to going to a lot of shows maybe it wouldn't bother them at all though- it will be interesting to hear what those that show frequently do.
depends, I usually feed and water, then load the carriers with the rabbits right before I got to bed with the rabbits having food and water in the carrier too.
I find it's easier to just load them in the car (or do that the night before) and take off, instead of having to do the trips back and forth when you are rushed.
Thanks for the input. I was wondering about it because, like you say mornings are rushed. In the morning I'll do the rabbit wrangling then back and forth to load them up, but I might try the night before method next time.
I don't go to rabbit shows, but I do go to poultry swaps. I wake real early in the dark, catch chickens/ducks and toss them in, catch w/e else and head out. Lots of stress in the morning rush, but If I leave them in cages over night, they poo a mountain.
So far we load up right before we head out. This is interesting at 3 AM ... but i want the bunnies to rest ( or whatever they do ) thru the night. When we have traveled out of state... they will be in their carriers for long periods of time... so maybe it really does not bother them. As long as there is food, water and hay... they seem to be fine.
i always load up morning of, but then again, i've never taken more than 10 rabbits. and i make sure all the gear is in the car the night before. only the rabbits go in in the morning. i just don't like the idea of them sitting in their carriers all night, and also, my carriers are very small for my breed. i'm putting junior satins in carriers that most people would use for mini lops. i only use them for one day shows, i never let them stay in it for more than 8 hours. if i was ever to go out of state with my rabbits, i wouldn't transport them in those cages.
I load them in the morning because at overnight shows some rabbits are too hyper after being in carriers all night.
Haven't been to a show yet-- but I found with my dogs-- have everything ready to go-- vehicle packed, carriers/crates labelled, etc-- then, load dog into HIS crate, and go-- now, tis did backfire one day-- I headed out-- the kids asked where we were going-- and I told them to a dog shoe-- the next question-- "Mom, don't we need a dog?" Yeah, empty crate in car!!!!

I do undserstand, that the rbabits that are goint, if one has lot of entries, or just a few-- need to have their cages marked so non are left behind!
I normally have no choice but to load them the night before, but it's only because I'm going to be driving all night to get to the showroom.
Thanks for all the great input folks. I wound up loading rabbits the morning of while packing most of the other stuff and loading it the night before. This was a two day show, so I did leave the rabbits at the show location overnight - zip tying the carrier lids shut and covering with a blanket. I talked to several other exhibitors and this is what they were doing - turned out - quite a few of the others, so I followed suit. Sure made the next morning a whole lot easier. I had brought food, water and hay, so they were fed/watered, etc. before I left that evening and appeared none the worse for wear the next morning. As I show Tan's a hyper rabbit is not all that bad - considering they need to run the table and show their stuff for the judge. I did bring two other rabbits the second day and sold them after inquiries the day before. A little junior buck I had originally brought to sale, I brought back home. Nobody wanted a buck - everybody was looking for does.
I started loading in the morning, but the last show we loaded the night before. IT was cool enough outside and they were fine. The next two shows are closer so we will load in the mroning!