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Well-known member
Jul 22, 2011
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I felt my mama rabbit underside and noticd her milk glands were full and i took her babies off her. I feaked out and put 2 6wks back with her hoping they will nurse and help her. I normally do take babies off slowly and i did but i was not expecting this. Just please tell me she will be ok. Im freaking out that i messed up and hurt her.
How long ago did you wean the last ones? Chances are they will still take the opportunity to raid the milk bar and your doe will be okay. You may want to give her some mint and/or sage to help dry her up.
I took the last babies off of her on monday or tuesay.<br /><br />__________ Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:05 pm __________<br /><br />I took the last babies off of her on monday or tuesay.
I've had lumpy does plenty of times. If they miss a feeding with their offspring, I pick them up just before they are going to feed, when removing kits, and sometimes just because the litter was small and the milk production hasn't adjusted to only have 2 or 3 live kits. Generally it's gone in 24hrs. Much sooner if they have kits to nurse. I've only had 1 doe end up with mastitis and it happened while she had a full litter on her. Within a couple days it was obvious something was wrong as the swelling began to spread in different directions, it was extremely warm (rabbits have a higher body temp than humans so just feeling a bit warm doesn't mean anything), and with pressure lumpy stuff started coming out. It's quite different from a doe who is just carrying around a little extra milk.
Ok I bought some sage. How often do I give it to her to slow her lactaing and How fast does it work. I do plan to rebreed her so (last question) how long does it stay in the system?
I'd give her two or three good sprigs as soon as possible and the same tomorrow until it is gone. I don't know how fast it works but I would give it a day or two after finishing it before breeding. I don't think there is much in the way of documentation to guide us, be remember that sage is a safe food plant for rabbits, except that it may interfere with lactation or pregnancy. Since that is the effect you are looking for, that need not worry you.

Rebreeding the doe will also help dry her milk supply.
Ok then here is my game plan and tell me what you think. See how to feel in the morning (sat) after having the 2 6 wks kits with her. If she is still full, remove the kits, give her sage starting the morning until gone then most likely go ahead and rebreed her on monday or tuesday. I know I
m over doing it but I rather learn by doing and asking tons of questions and learning then not doing at all. So I can help others when they run into this. Thanks for your help
Sounds good, but you don't have to remove the kits in order to feed the sage if you think they are helping at all. The second-hand sage won't hurt them.

I'm hoping some other members will chime in on this topic. I think Akane is right, that this situation will not likely result in any major problem. But the kits should help removed the pressure and the sage should help reduce the amount of milk she is producing.

One of our members had a situation where her rabbits, who sometimes graze in her fenced yard, decided to eat her sage plant. It dried up the does prematurely, but it did not cause a pregnant doe to abort. (I hope I am correct on this.) I used both sage and mint for a doe that I needed to dry up and it helped a lot. But the information we have is largely anecdotal... Hard core data to support it is missing. I treat these herbs as a "can't hurt and will probably help" kind of remedy.
I rather use herbs to help a doe then run to the vet for a shot. Thanks a bunch and yes more info on this subject would be most useful.