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Thanks for all the responses. I still don't know for certain if I have a boy or girl. I'm just gonna go with what the seller told me one boy one girl - because when I look they both look like girls to me.

This is what I noticed about my two rabbits so far. The dark one John Doe is his name for now (presumed male) is very active at night, he runs around all the time now that he's by himself. He just runs the length of the outside pen and jumps in the air for no reason it seams. Is this normal?

The light color rabbit Jane Doe (presumed female) is totally the opposite, she just lays around with next to no action at night or during the day. Kinda lazy like. But because she is getting bigger than John I put her in the new larger hutch that has a 5 foot by 3 foot off the ground run (not including the house). Johns hutch is only 4 foot by 2 foot off the ground (not including the house) - they both have houses connected to the runs that are the width of each hutch but only a foot or so long.

Tonight, I decided to put Jane in Johns hutch to switch them around and John acted like a lunitic constantly sniffing her privates - she was getting mad I think she kept putting her face to his face instead. Is this a sign he might be a male ? I didn't leave them together very long and nothing happened except him acting a fool chasing her behind all over.

Do females act like this when they were split up and then put together again ? Or could it be the seller is right and he is a male and my sex checking is wrong ?

Later I checked John for gonads and I didn't see anything. Nothing at all that I could tell - is this normal for 4.5 month olds ?
