HELP! Strange doe behavior.

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Well-known member
Jul 31, 2011
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We have a colony situation with three does and one buck. We have them in a large outside area and are allowing them to burrow. They haven't had a little yet, but one doe is collecting bedding material and taking it down into the burrow, which leads us to believe that she's going to kindle.

The problem is that another one of the does seems to be filling the burrow in.

Please advise!!
They will block up the entrance. This keeps the kits confined, hides the burrow, and holds in temperatures. Sometimes in the winter I have to dig a foot deep to get to my creme d'argent's litters and they aren't even allowed to dig their own tunnels. Is it possible the other doe has already kindled and is trying to keep her kits covered while one is trying to get ready to kindle in the same tunnel or do you know their due dates are too far away to have kits already?