Help rabbits with fleas

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New member
Jul 9, 2015
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Bunker Hill, Indiana
I live on a farm with other animals besides my buns. Even thougj my buns are kept inside my home I do let them out side to run around and I also have a dog that is in and out alot. I have no ticed lately that one ot my buns has been scratching. I look in her fur and notice fpeas. I use a flea comb but sometimes she fights me so bad its had to do. What eose can I do to help? Any one have any other ideas or remedies?
Food grade (not pool grade!) Diatomaceous Earth will dehydrate the fleas. You can sprinkle it on your pets like you would flea powder.

If you have carpet in your home you should treat that as well. You only need to do a light dusting of the DE on the carpet (make sure to get along the base boards) and leave the powder for about 3 or 4 days before vacuuming. It is a good idea to vacuum just prior to applying the DE because the vibrations from the vacuum will cause the flea eggs to hatch.

You will also want to apply the DE in your pet's favorite resting places where there will be a lot of flea eggs and larva.

DE is available at feed stores. Make sure to buy the food grade, as the pool grade has been heat treated and is toxic.

The DE is non toxic and can be dusted everywhere there are animals, (so long as you are careful to keep them from breathing too much in.)

I dust the floor of my rabbitry, the dog pen, places outside where stray cats sleep, etc..