I have a Dutch girl who is about two years old. Last year, when she was one, i bred her (her first litter). A month later, I️ found six dead and partially eaten babies and one live and healthy baby in the nest box. It was heart breaking to loose those babies, but she was an excellent mother to the one surviving baby, so we assumed she had had difficulty delivering the others. Shes been with my buck several times since, but hasn’t had another litter. This is very unusual, especially since she is so young. She even has made nests around day 29 most of the times she has been due. She belly is on the larger side, more than usual for the breed, which she has had for as long as i can remember (maybe since the last litter?). I’ve never been able to palpate a rabbit, even with large litters, so I️ can’t check that way. She was due two weeks ago, and just today she made a huge nest, and is acting kinda weird. Thinking she could have a retained baby? She is a favorite of ours, so we want to make sure she’s ok. Any suggestions of what to do from here? Thank you