Help! Overly Obsessive Mother!

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Easy Ears

Well-known member
Sep 20, 2014
Reaction score
Washington State
I have a HL doe with a litter of 2 that are now 6.5 weeks old. I started weaning them at 6 weeks and it looks like she already started weaning them herself, since the little doe passed up food yesterday, but the little boy seems to still want to nurse...anyway, I've been separating them every other day, and today was an off day, so the kits were not with her. This morning when I took the feeding rounds she was really anxious and running around her cage, putting her paws up on the wire. I shrugged it off since whenever her kits aren't with her this is what she does. But tonight was different, I went to check up on all the rabbits and she had actually pulled a little handful of fur and placed in a pile at the edge of the hutch.... :shock: She was bouncing off the walls when I she saw me too. I decided to put one of the kits in with her, just not let him nurse. I put the buck in with her, and they started circling each other as if to mount.....but then the kit dove under, trying to nurse and they both stopped....I pulled the kit out and put him in his separate cage and the mom went crazy again... :( What do I do? I must have them weaned, and even more pressing is in a week and a half more they are going to be gone for good! :( What will she do then?

A little background: I got her nearly a year ago, and she's never been the friendly type, bit me a few times at first. Now she doesn't bite, but still thumps when I try to pick her up, and rarely enjoys petting. She didn't come from the greatest place. :cry: This has a lot to do with her not being the tamest in the bunch. She has trust issues. I just want her to be happy. :(
I plan to breed her again in 2 weeks....don't think I can do it any sooner or later, since I have a scheduled vacation coming up and I don't like leaving kits. I feel so bad for there anything I can do? I'm not much for comfort since she doesn't really like me anyway. ;) Any ideas?

Oh, she is also pretty boney which I don't understand why....she's been getting all she can eat of pellets and hay since the kits were born, and she'd been taking full advantage of it! She's always been naturally boney, it just seemed to me she hasn't put on much weight....I will hopefully be getting a scale pretty soon to monitor her better. Anyway, thought I'd mention that. (I don't see any evidence of worms in her feces... I've kept my eye on that.)
It's hard for most does to put on weight when they are producing milk.

Honestly, I'd just move her to a new cage away from the kits, and just be done with it and not put them together again. Even when mine have already been weaned for a couple weeks, they try to nurse if I put them in with a doe (funny enough, even if that doe is a completely unrelated one thats never even had milk) - it doesn't mean they aren't eating real food. I think she may be a doe with some sensitive hormones, that's confused by switching on and off. I think the baby trying to "mount" her is also a dominance thing, that shows he's ready to go too.
Most people either pull a pair of kits at a time or just pull the whole litter at once, not put back and forth. I've never heard of putting them back in when trying to wean before. I have taken babies to momma to feed, but they weren't trying to be weaned either. I'd go ahead, stop bringing them to her and breed if you are going to, or if you really want to wait like said just wait. Her hormones are in flux, she may act batty and may even make another nest...

-- Wed Apr 27, 2016 3:42 am --

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