Help! One kits no gaining weight

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Active member
May 7, 2014
Reaction score
Hi all!
One kit from my litter of 7 is not gaining wgt. She has lost a gram or two each day for the last 2 days. She looks ok and is active. I flipped mom and let her nurse but she still didn't gain. Their tummies are furry now at 9days so it is hard to tell if tummy is rounded. All the others are gaining anywhere from 5- 10 grams a day. I tried putting it in with my other litter of 5 but it keeps crawling out of the nest box! Any advice? Thanks
These are Holland lops
Dood's right... at 9 days, it should be well able to get the milk it needs. You can try to supplement with formula, but to start having trouble at that age... I'd be thinking it has some sort of defect.
Bummer! If I we're try to supplement what should I use? So say KMR but I saw somewhere in here not to use that.
KMR is cow's milk based, which often does not work well with rabbits.

Here are a couple of threads with formula recipes and feeding tips:



Do be very careful, especially if you try to feed newborns someday. It's very easy for them to aspirate and drown on the formula. We just had this happen for the first time with one. Very sad. :( But we've supplemented successfully many times.
UPDATE: I flipped mom and let this one kit feed by itself. Ever since then it has been gaining weight. I think it was just being push out by other fatties in the litter. Now it must be fighting for the right to feed:)

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