Help me what breed you think it is???

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The woman told me he is a standart rex i dont know i have big problem to see the difference between them.
Not a rex. The fur texture is wrong.

It could be a rex cross, but the fur would be normal in that case. I have a "Rex" that I got for free, and she is absolutely not a rex.

__________ Wed Apr 24, 2013 3:08 pm __________

Unless its molting, it could be molting thats making it look off.<br /><br />__________ Wed Apr 24, 2013 3:16 pm __________<br /><br />Is the hair poofy? Does it stand straight up? Or does it lay back like a cat? If you ever felt a chinchilla (the rodent) it should feel like that.
That is not a Rex, and I think it is a doe. The head is too small and narrow for a buck.

Rex buck:



Rex doe:


The fur is not right, but with the coloring, if it is a purebred (which I doubt), it's closest to a brown Silver. It doesn't have the bone or head structure to be a Flemish and has a body closer to the Silver breed with close to the right coloring.
Bucks of any breed can have a 'female type' head, it would be a DQ for some animal species.
My Cali buck, Jr, has a 'buck type' head, its very obvious when you see a buck head vs doe. Makes him more cute in some way...

But that rabbit looks more like those rabbits bred for hunting or training dogs, no rex fur on that guy.
That is a chestnut (agouti) I see no signs of silvering. It is what appears to be a commercial cross of some kind. The finer head can indicate there is Rex somewhere in its background, nice height on the hindquarters though.
Not a purebred Rex. The fur is definitely not rex fur. A lot of people freely toss around labeling their rabbits what ever breed sounds good, esp pet stores. If anything he could have Standard Rex because he looks too big for a Mini Rex, but that's a big question mark. There are lots of nice purebred Rex out there! If she told me it was a Rex and I seen it had normal flyback fur, I'd smile and walk away.

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