Help - How can I get a idea of the age of my Holland Lop Doe

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Well-known member
Jun 4, 2014
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A couple weeks ago we got this Holland Lop doe at a farm auction. We have no information on her and would like to try to get an idea of her age.

We attempted to breed her with our 1 yr old buck. It appeared that he was successful about 5 times with two breedings that were about two hours apart. She even tried to mount him each time. We are certain that she is a doe.

Her previous owner tried to breed her 3 times last fall/early winter but she didn't have any kits.

Is there anything we can look at on her to find out her approximate age?

Thank you!
There is no definitive way to guess the age of a rabbit.

Most animals age can be guessed by their teeth but rabbit (and all rodents) teeth never stop growing so there is always bone and enamel being replaced with new even in 10 year old rabbits :)

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