Help - Holland lops with soft bowel movement

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Well-known member
Jun 4, 2014
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We have a few different breeds of rabbits and all seem to be pooing fine except for a couple of our Holland Lops. for the past couple weeks sometimes their poo is solid balls and sometimes it's really soft and gets stuck in the wire floor of the cage (1/2" x 1" holes).

About 5 to 6 weeks ago we gave all our rabbits a 5 day treatment of Corid and this issue we believe started shortly after.

Their normal daily ration is just plain 16% protein pellets, water and occasionally hay. I have tried pulling the pellets and replacing with dry oatmeal and that works and makes the poo normal for awhile, but it seems as soon as they go back on the pellets it gets soft again.

The crazy thing is that none of our other rabbits have the problem (Mini Rex, Mini Lop or Lionheads).

What can we do to make this go away permanently?

Thank you for your help!
Mine get this way occasionally and I do just that, add oatmeal to their pellets. You can do that daily, and make it routine. Works every time and doesn't seem to be anything serious, although don't know what causes it or how to treat it any other way....
Gosh I don't want to have to do the oatmeal forever. That will get costly.

Isn't there any other fix that will make them back to normal?

All are adults. 2 does, 1 buck.

Thank you.
When I have added oats due to stool issues, it's only been for a couple of days and things got back to normal.
I just use a tablespoon or 2 with each bowl of pellets. It does cost more but I haven't found anything else out that works, and I would rather do that than have to buy meds. Or have extr cleanup from sticky poo in the cages. I don't quite understand it and hope someone else may have a solution, but so far that's what I do....