HELP!! Hind leg paralysis

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Jul 16, 2013
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my rabbit stella cant move her back legs!
i was holding her on her back helping a runt have a feed, Stella kicked both back legs really hard and i heard a crunch sound, her back legs stayed stuck out straight and stiff so i put her down and she cant stand on her back legs, she didnt make any sound at all.
what the heck has happened?!? i wasnt holding her tight (she just usually lays really calm) she just kicked both legs, im so confused right now this probably makes no sense
what do i do, its 11pm no vets to go to, darn:(
gulien":2qb7f86q said:
I'm afraid her back might be broken. I'm so sorry. I really hope I'm wrong
i think so too, shes moving around her cage, but dragging her legs, im just so shocked ive never had anything like this before, i dont know what to do
How old are the kits? If they're about two and a half weeks, which unfortunately they sound younger, I would try to wean them and cull momma ASAP. It's not fair to her let her go on like that. If they're younger, well, I don't know what to suggest. I would either try to foster them if that's an option, or maybe try to bottle feed them. There's a few good post on here about bottle raising kits, though it's pretty hard. I would probably take that route and cull momma so she's not suffering.

I'm sorry you have to deal with that. Its a very sad circumstance.
It's fairly common for rabbits to break their backs like that...they kick out with those powerful back legs and their spine cannot take it. If you can, foster the kits or you can try to hand feed them. It is difficult and doesn't always work. But, the doe probably needs to be put down as soon as possible to keep her from suffering.
sorry the kits are oh gosh almost 5 weeks so are eating and drinking on their own, there has been one runty baby we have helped feed since about 1 week old, hes still really small and skinny :(
i ended up taking her to the AEC vets and they confirmed a broken back and she was put to sleep.
they said the same thing to me, that its quite common when they kick like that to break their backs :(
and she said maybe she was low on calcium from feeding 9 kits which she said is a big litter for a medium sized rabbit.
i feel terrible, she was such a lovely bun :'(<br /><br />__________ Fri Oct 04, 2013 2:43 am __________<br /><br />im guessing i didnt need to help with the feeding at that age but he was so small compared to the others it had just become habit
So sorry that happened Bex!
Thank goodness that her litter is old enough to carry on without her. Fingers crossed for your runt. :encourage:

Don't beat yourself up; crazy stuff like that happens when you own and raise animals. I've helped runts out that way too. And have heard of rabbits breaking their backs durring tattooing etc..
I'm so sorry for your loss Bex. I'm so glad her babies are old enough and feeding themselves. Hope the little one gets better. :clover:
Oh, how awful! I am so sorry. :(

Try not to feel guilty. There was no way you could suspect that would happen, and it wasn't your fault. :encourage:

I hope the kits will do well for you. :clover:
MamaSheepdog":1ily6n1d said:
Oh, how awful! I am so sorry. :(

Try not to feel guilty. There was no way you could suspect that would happen, and it wasn't your fault. :encourage:

I hope the kits will do well for you. :clover:

So sorry that you lost her. :( We have all had things like that happen so we can empathize with you. :grouphug:
Gosh Bex, I'm so sorry. You had the courage to do the right thing, take comfort in that. I hope your kits do wonderfully for you; you've obviously got patience and a loving heart.

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