Thank you, Geri! It's been three more days, and we haven't lost any more! The remaining runt has filled out and grown a good bit, enough that I was tempted to pronounce him "not a runt anymore"... until I stuck him next to one of his siblings, who still dwarfs him. :lol:
The prodigal is the smallest now, and still has weak little stick legs. His fur (especially on his belly and hind parts) is largely stuck to him (I'm guessing loose bowels from the formula), but he's really started trying to clean himself. Tonight, we noticed his fur is fluffier (though raggedy) and not as stuck. He has resumed growing.

He was trying to hop tonight! It was pretty funny.
Thank you for answering my question, Tailwagging! I will get some ASAP.
Squeak does seem to be doing better with the molasses water and the molasses-coated oats. She LOVES the oats! I'm seeing more roundness and less desperation from her kits, so I think it's working!!! :razz:
Fluffy is due any day now. My plan is to wait for her kits to almost catch up to the prodigal (won't take long), and then put the prodigal in with them. She'll be two weeks older, but she won't be bigger. Does that sound reasonable?