well, i only have a mini van (can you say urban wanna be farmer), so my amount might be limited by how much i can haul. yes i am feeding pellets. i calculated i'll go through a bale in maybe 12 days, but hard to know. i won't be using any of it as bedding, i use shavings in my nest box, and i have wire bottom cages with trays that have newspaper in them. also, i have only three places i can store it. in my rabbit barn, where it is light, a bit humid (depending on outside), and temp fluctuates based on outside temp. i'm guessing this is a really bad place to keep it. i can keep it in the attic of my rabbit barn, where it is very dark, dry, and temp fluctuates based on outside temp, but usually pretty moderate b/cuz of insulation. or i could keep it in my shed, where it is dark, temp exactly the same as outdoors, and not very dry. what do you think? i'm thinking attic is the best place, even though its quite hot right now but it will cool down as our temperature cools down here.